Chapter 2: Bad News

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Chapter 2 A/N: Hi guys! Before I wrote this I noticed I got more reads! WAHOO!!! Anyways my chapters might not get much longer than chapter 1, so around 1,500 words. Thank you soooooooooo much for reading this, Enjoy! :)



As Mrs. Pologer is droning on about whatever the hell she was talking about, I notice as I look out the window, four girls. They look like they are crowding something, it looks suspicious.

"Mrs. Pologer, may I please go to the bathroom?"

"Go ahead Kristen"

I quickly slip out of the classroom and into the hall, I try to go through the halls unnoticed by teachers, and succeed, through the side door I creep over to the area where I saw the people.

Once I get there I notice the girls still there like I had saw before. I crawl on the ground so my classmates don't see me through the window.

When I got close enough to see, I swear,

  My heart skipped a beat.

                                               Chapter 2

"Seriously??" Julia questions at lunch.

"I know right! This is not Mean Girls! No need for a 'Burn Book'" we are talking about what I saw during history class, Nicole and her possy made a burn book, just like in the movie Mean Girls.

"So stupid....wonder if we're in there or if anyone else has seen in it besides her minions..." Julia asks truly curious. She has a point, what if we are in there, what did she say about us if so?

"I doubt we are in there, we have like never even said one word to her" I say very unsure. Well I guess it's time for a topic change. "Oh yeah! Summers almost here, so Florida here I come!"

"Lucky ducky, you" she says inbetween bites of her caeser salad "All I do all summer is nothing, maybe go to the beach now and then I guess"

"I wish I could take you, but you know my parents don't let me or James do that" I say quickly before taking a bite from my cheese burger.

Then it hit me. Legit, a soda splashes all over me soaking me from my waist up. I angrily wipe the liquid off my eyes and glare up at the soda spiller.

It was none other than Queen Bitch herself.

"You little bitch" Julia says with a laugh that meant she is going to kill her. Oh gosh this is not going to end well.

"Excuse me?" Nicole snaps.

"You heard me! Now how about you go take the part of your soda NOT on my friends head, and go sit with you possy over there" Julia yells, motioning at her minions.

I watch as Nicole storms off to the popular table "Well if we weren't in her burn book before, we certainly are now" I mutter while trying to get some soda off of me.


The walk to our towns 7•11 from OakWood High isn't too long of a walk so it doesn't take me and Julia long to get there. We have been meaning to go there for awhile but never got to it until today.

7•11 has great slushies, and no where else has them at all.

We enter the shop and instantly spot the slushie machine, me and Julia didn't even need to speak, we automatically have a race to it, I beat Julia by a second so she has to pay for the slushies.

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