Chapter 3: Tears

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A/N: Hi guys! Here is chapter 3! Thanks for reading, again I noticed a few more reads before I wrote this! Yay! So I am not sure if my chapters will get very long, like I said last chapter, probably will stay around 1,500 words, sorry if you like long chapters though. Again thanks so much for reading! Enjoy! 

**Chapter dedicated to julciad, my best friend and real life, and the person who Julia the character is based off of <3**



"Ahem" My dad clears his throat, here comes the news I predicted.

"Me and your mother have some ne-"

"What?!? Aren't you too old to have another baby?!?!?!" My brother cut him off. They respond with a fit of laughter.

"No James, not another kid" my father continues. "I know you guys won't like this, but for my job" he paused.

He continues after a moment. "We have to move to Florida"

                                               Chapter 3

I cannot even explain how much I cried.

I can't imagine leaving Julia and Eric. Even though, as my dad later explained, we will visit a lot over the summer, but it won't be the same.

Not to mention we have to pack all of our stuff and move it into the new house and get all settled in. I still have to tell Julia, and I am not looking forward to it, and now on my way to school in my red silk tank top and dark wash jean shorts, I know I have to tell her soon, no more procrastinating.

When I get to school I'm not in my usual happy mood, and Julia senses it right away and knows something is up.

After she pulls me away from our group of friends she asks "Hey, you okay? You seem sad"

"I'll tell you at lunch" She then gives me a 'fine, but no later' look, and I know I would be injured if I postpone telling her for any longer.

All my classes before lunch wen't well, and fast, before I knew it, it was lunch time and I now have to break the news to Julia, and it is not going to be pretty.

Before I even have the chance to sit down Julia is coming my way.

"Now! Now now now now nooooooooow!"Julia screeches in my ear over and over.

"Give me a freaking minute to buy lunch!!'

She glares at me but I know there is nothing she can really do to stop me. After I buy my pizza and proceed back to my seat, Julia starts doing the 'Now' thing again. UGH this girl....

"Ok, I will tell you now. Um how do I say this" I say with my voice cracking a bit at the end, and a tear dots the corner of my eye. Oh no! Julia is going to freak! And when Julia freaks, somebody dies... JOKING but seriously, you would not want to be around a freaking Julia.

"Aw naw! Whats going on girl!" Julia persists

"Haha" I try to lighten the mood, "Give me a sec" After I clear my throat I dare to continue "Well um... you know how my dad is a lawyer, right?" I finally get out.

"Uh huh... now to the point???" Julia rolls her eyes

"Well he um... apparently got a promotion"

"And that's a bad thing?" Julia jokes

"That's not it, I have to...." I wipe my eyes and try to continue but fail and burst into a full out cry, which attracts stares from other students, but once Julia gives them a good glare they back off.

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