Chapter 4

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Medic's P.O.V:

~~Time skip~~


"Ja."I turned on my medigun and healed Demo.

"Help!" I looked to my side.

In the distance, (Y/N) was fighting off a demoman and Scout. I noticed a soldier aiming his rocket launcher at her. I gasped. I stopped healing Demo and ran to her. (Y/N) punched the Scout in the face and took out her bone saw. She cut off his head. The demoman swung his sword, but she ducked and came back up throwing a spinning hook and heel kick at the back of his legs. He fell down and she took out her syringe gun and shot him multiple times in the face, killing him.

"Look out!"I shouted.

She looked up at me, and then I jumped up and tackled her to the ground. There was an explosion behind us. I heard Sniper's gun go off and the soldier screamed. I opened my eyes. I was on top of (Y/N). I was mounted on her. I blushed and got a little turned on. (Y/N) coughed violently. Shit! You're crushing her! I quickly got off of her. When I took another look at her, I realized I wasn't crushing her. She had a bullet in her chest. It was in her lower rib cage. She started coughing up blood.

"(Y/N)!" I yelled. She tried to speak, but she could only cough up more blood. I pulled the medkit off my back. I have to get the bullet out of her, and fast! "Hold on (Y/N). I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt... a lot."

When I got the bullet out, (Y/N) was screaming and coughing. I had tears in my eyes. It hurt me to see her writhing in pain on the ground. I quickly took out my medigun and turned it on. I healed her. She stopped screaming, but she was still coughing. The wound was now gone. She kept coughing up blood.

"Come on (Y/N)."I slipped my arms under her and picked her up. I began to run, but a heavy stood there smirking. He turned on his minigun. Shit! I glared at him. He started laughing, but then he yelled out and fell dead. Spy was standing behind him.

"Danke Spy!"He nodded. I ran off with (Y/N) coughing up blood in my arms. She got blood on my coat, like I cared. I ran into a building and got behind some boxes. I laid (Y/N) down there. She got on her hands and knees and coughed and coughed until she expelled all the blood from her lungs.

"Thank... you..."She whispered before coughing again. I patted her back.

"Zhere, zhere. You'll be alright. No need to sank me. It's my job."She coughed some more.

"I know... go help the others..."I was reluctant to leave. "Go..."She coughed. "Now."

~~Time skip~~

"How are you feeling now (Y/N)?"I asked.

"I'm good.... Hey... um..."I looked at (Y/N). She stood staring at me for a moment, and then she jumped up and threw her arms around my neck, hugging me. "Thank you..." My face heated up. I didn't know what to do. I stood there and did nothing. I realized I should hug her back. Before I could, she pulled away. "I'm sorry." She then hurried out of the infirmary. Shit...

~~2 weeks later/now~~

"Scout, I'd punch you so hard I'd knock your teeth out."(Y/N) said.

"I'm just kidding! Jeez, I wouldn't do that to you."Scout replied.

"Yeah you would."

"Sniper would."

"You and Sniper would."

"Yeah probably."

"You're an idiot."I chuckled as I eavesdropped on their conversation. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. I shook my head and walked over to one of the other rooms.

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