Chapter 7

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I'm so sorry about the first post. That was an accident. I have 2 of these on Microsoft Word. One is the original I typed and the other is the one I turned into and x reader. So sorry about that. Btw, in case you were wondering just how smexy your character is, that pic is how smexy. Lol. I posted this because a lot of you have been asking for another update so here ya go!


Medic's P.O.V:

I watched Spy as he walked past the BLU demoman in his BLU spy disguise. As soon as he walked past him, he spun around and backstabbed him. His disguised was removed and he was back to being his normal, Red Spy self. Nice. He looked around the corner, but didn't see anyone. He disguised himself as a BLU demoman, and motioned for us to come out. We all came out from behind our hiding places. Heavy hurried over to the body, and dragged it off. Spy walked around the corner, and we followed behind him. He checked around another corner, and continued. He then checked around another corner, and gave us a signal to stop. We suddenly heard a scream. It was a girl's scream. Mein gott... That was (Y/N)! The screaming continued. I could just make out some of what she was screaming...

"PLEASE! NO! STOP! HELP ME!" She cried out. Oh shit! Oh shit! She's in trouble! I have to save her!

I looked at Spy, who looked back at me. He saw the hurt in my eyes I'm sure. He turned the corner, and began walking. We all waited. We heard the death cry of our Spy. Shit! No! We heard the sound of a Spy uncloaking. We then heard the death cry of a medic, and heard grunting from an obvious struggle. Then we heard our Spy let out a death cry again. No! We heard footsteps approaching. Demo took out his sword. I watched a shadow coming towards us. It looked like the shadow of a heavy. Just before he came around the corner, Pyro hopped out and laughed as he set the heavy on fire.

"Fire!"The heavy yelled before he collapsed dead on the ground.

We heard the battle cries of others around the corner. We shouted as we rounded the corner. Demo yelled as he charged around the corner, running at super speed with his sword raised above his head. He killed a BLU pyro, and was shot at by a BLU sniper. I took out my medigun and healed him. Heavy yelled as he was shooting his minigun. I started healing Heavy. Soldier fired his rocket as did the BLU soldier. Heavy's health went down when he was hit by the rocket and stumbled back a bit, but he kept going. Sniper fired his SMG before getting shot in the head by a BLU sniper. Sniper fell dead. Shit! The BLU soldier fired again. Me and Heavy took some damage. Engie tried to build a sentry, but the Soldier's rocket killed Engie. The BLU sniper then took out Demo, and tried to kill Heavy, but Pyro set him aflame and killed him. Heavy killed the soldier.

Alright! I healed everyone and gave them an over heal. We could hear (Y/N) screaming. I'm coming for you liebe! We went off again. Scout ran ahead of us and followed the screaming. He ran to a door, opened it and ran in. We all came charging in. I watched Scout fall dead. Heavy yelled and fired his minigun. He walked in, but then his health dropped fast as rockets and bullets came. He fell dead.

"Sentry!" I yelled.

Pyro stood back as I healed Soldier. Soldier fired his rockets at the sentry. The sentry exploded. A BLU Engie began shooting at us. He was hurt though, but stood by his dispenser. Soldier shot the dispenser twice, and took it out. Pyro charger in and set the BLU Engie aflame. I looked over to the other corner of the room. A BLU scout kneed (Y/N) in the face before grabbing her hair and dragging her to a BLU spy. I was enraged. How dare he hurt her! The spy grabbed her hair and lifted her up. (Y/N) sobbed in pain as she stood weakly up on her feet. The spy then let go and held his butterfly knife to (Y/N)'s neck.

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