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"You can't tell anyone!" She pledged fearfully

"Of course I won't tell anyone!This is just between me and you!We're friends we trust each other with our secrets, that's what keeps us close." I smiled, processing the information.

She nodded unsure, sporting a look of distrust

"You do trust me don't you?"

"Of course I do!" However I sensed a tone of uncertainty in her voice as she spoke

"Good!" I snarled, "Because if you don't trust who you tell your secrets too, maybe they'll just all come out!Nothing less you'd expect from a dishonest liar!" I turned to walk away but felt her fingers wrapping around my arm tightly, preventing me from walking any further

"Maddie please!" She begged, "Don't say anything!"

"We'll see" I smirked walking down the smooth grey pavement of Maya St until I reached my place, still smiling to myself I entered my home

"Where were you?" Asked Chloe, who had been waiting for me

"You don't need to know, well at least not yet anyway..."

Pretty Little Dancers *A Dance Moms//Pretty Little Liars Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now