Chapter 4~The New Girl

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Chloe's P.O.V

I silently stared out the window, watching as a removal van pulled up at the Ziegler's household, well ex-household.

After know, the Ziegler family decided to move from Pitsburgh to LA!Guess there were too many haunting memories of Maddie around.

"Chloe!The new family are arriving any minute now, and I've made them a welcome basket but I don't have time to deliver it so can you pop by the Jone's house I think?" My mum called

I hopped off the sofa chair and emptied my cereal bowl into the sink

"Sure" I replied softly

"Honey, if it's to hard, I'll ask Clara to take the present!" My mother smiled

"No it's fine!" I argued

I went upstairs, changed out if my stripy pyjamas, brushed my knotted hair cleaned my teeth, sprayed some deodorant and threw on some dance clothes as I would be going very soon, a pale blue crop top, some matching booty shorts and some converse.

I grabbed the basket and walked across the road where a tall girl, with thick gold locks that reached just below the shoulders.She was wearing a long black short sleeve top with writing on the front with BIG white font saying, It's Not Me It's You! Some ripped white denim shorts with pink lines through them.

"Hi my names Chloe!I live just across the street and..."

"Are those for me?" The girl gestured towards the basket

"Oh um yeah of..."

"Cool!" She smiled, taking 3 chocolate Chip Biscuits from the basket and downing them quickly

"Is that your brother?" I pointed to a boy dordling across the Ziegler's, the new families perfectly trimmed lush green lawn

"No!Ive never seen that creep in my life!GET OUTTA HERE!" She screeched

The big looked at the girl fearfully, "YOU HEARD ME SCAT!" She ordered as he sprinted down the road, "My names Jordyn Jones by the way!" Her voice was slightly muffled as she was chewing on another biscuit

"Nice to meet you!" I smiled

"Yeah you too!" She stuck out her first and I lightly punched it with a puzzled look, "yeah we'll work on that!Hey there's a lot of stuff I need to unpack so can you give me a hand carrying some boxes up?"


I picked up the lightest box, not wanting to look like a wimp carrying a heavy box, I filed up the stairs and entered Maddie's old room.

I looked around, overwhelmed in being in her house tears formed in the corners of my eyes, I dropped the box in fright when I noticed a lot of Maddie's old stuff was still in her room.

"Oh some bratty teen forgot to take all her stuff!" Sighed Jordyn



"Maddie, the girls name was Maddie!" I said softly

I walked over to her desk and picked up a photograph of her and I and smiled while tears threatened to spill

Jordyn hunched over my shoulder looking at the photo, her company was somehow comforting.

"Ya know her?" She asked


"You guys friends?"

"We were"

"Hm Maddie was always in the middle!" Scoffed Jordyn with her beautiful voice, "what happened anyways?"

"She went missing.A year ago this Sunday" I murmured

"I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine!But I've gotta go to my dance now bye!" I rushed out if the Jone's in a sobbing mess, I needed that get away, but I felt like I neon without trout Jordyn, she was so hot, and her breasts were outstanding I just wanted to kiss her, wait what was I talking about?Im not a lesbian well at least j don't think so...

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