Chapter 3~I'm home!

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Nia's P.O.V
I gazed sleepily out of the metallic cars window, admiring the small town of Rosewood once again.

The green trees, the blue skies, the sandy beaches, all the complete opposite of Iceland where I had been living for the past 11 and a half months.

My father was offered a 1 year teaching job in Iceland and willingly, I packed up and moved.

It was a good distraction from two things really:
1. Maddie
2. A secret only my father, Maddie and I knew, a secret so big it could easily rip apart my family in a second

And now that we were back, all the haunting memories and returned, buzzing around my mind, like bees buzzing around the rosebeds

Suddenly the car pulled to a stop and there, sitting right in front of me, was the same old 2 story, cream coloured house, perfectly trimmed lush green lawn, with flower and rose beds.

The doors of the car flung open and we all unloaded the boot dragging our suitcases and hauling our duffel bags inside of our home.

Opening the door and stepping inside I dropped my luggage.I scanned the empty dining room, or at least what I expected was the dining room.

It was weird, Pitsburgh was once my home, my safe place, but now?Now it just felt as if I were a stranger!A stranger to my home!

I walked up the stairs and entered my old bedroom, off loading all my belongings.

Afterwards I ran down the stairs, "MUM I'M GOING EXPLORING!" I called.It was weird, exploring your own neighbourhood, your own town

"No you can't Nia!" Replied my mother, who had gotten the coffee machine working, and was now sipping her espresso

"Why not?"

"Because you have dance in an hour!"

"What?" I asked puzzled

"Yes!I reenlisted you at the..."

"Abby Lee Dance Company" A feeling of sadness swept over me, confusion, suspicion and anger aswell

"Yes Nia, the Abby Lee Dance Company" my mother smiled warmly, "I know it's hard with all this Maddie drama but you need to move on!Maddie would want you too!"

Well that was a lie!The last thing Maddie would want would be for us to move on and forget about her.

"Can I at least play around out the front?" I begged

"Half an hour and that's all!"

"Thanks mum!"

I rushed outside and began doing cartwheels, back-handsprings and front walkovers when all of a sudden I was interrupted by an unfamiliar boy.

"Can I help you?" I asked sassily

"Oh no sorry I was just wandering were you friends with Madison Ziegler?"

My heart sank, "Um yeah I was." I replied sadly pushing myself into a crocodile snap handstand, when all of a sudden I felt myself flipping over.I let out a small shriek as I landed with a thud on my bottom.

"Oh I'm sorry that was my fault I distracted you, here!" He apologised sticking out his hand

I gripped it and he pulled me up onto my feet.Without letting go he said, "My names Gino by the way!" With a geeky smile

"Nia!" I smiled as we shook our already gripped hands

"Anyway I'm really sorry about your friend." He frowned, "It must be hard with the anniversary of her disappearance and her funeral coming up, and her family leaving Rosewood and all."

My heart skipped a beat, I hadn't a clue when the stupid anniversary of her disappearance was, nor that her family was moving out or she was having a...that word sent chills down my spine...funeral, so how did he know?

"How do you know this?" I asked, frightened of what his answer may be

"I have this social studies assignment where I have to find an upcoming event to write about so my parents thought I should watch the news to find a good story.There was a big segment last night about the up coming event of Madison Ziegler's disappearance anniversary and how they found her body and all.And bam, I found my story!" He let out a nervous chuckle

"You mean that th-they found her b-body?" I asked afraid

"Yeah they did!I thought you would know?!" He asked confused

"Um no, I I just got back from Iceland.I moved there last year.They don't really show any stories revolving America." I laughed sadly

"NIA GET READY NOW!" Screeched my mother

"Oh well um see ya round!" Smiled Gino

"Yeah, you will!" I smiled back before heading inside to get dressed and get ready!

Hi guys🙊🙉🙈Sorry for the boring chapter❤️It's just a filler🚿Comment if you watch Dance Moms👯Or Pretty Little Liars🤐And comment if you watch both👯🤐Tell me your answer❓❔❓

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