Chapter 19

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Hey guys

Watta think so far





U kno!!!!




Natalie's POV

All that's in my mind is 'what is James planning for our anniversary?' He keeps on sending my smiley faces and love hearts. I just send thinking faces to him. He still won't tell me. At least ill find out in a few hours right? I'm trying to think of positives.

---------------next day-----------------

Still Natalie's POV

The next day is here. I'm now running in my room to get to James' hotel. I rushed everything this morning I almost forgot to change my clothes. I got my suitcase and ran out the door.

When I got there, I knocked as hard as I could on the door. No one answered so I used the key they gave me and ran through the door.

As I ran in, I saw Camryn, half asleep , walking to me. 'What the- oooo! I forgot! You really want what James is giving you don't you?' She said laughing a little. I forgot to say, I bought James converses for our anniversary.

I showed Camryn and ran to James' room. I saw he was still asleep, so I acted like a 5 year old and jumped on him. He jumped and I think he almost screamed. He was angry at me at first, them he pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear 'happy anniversary!'

I said the same and kissed him on the lips. He got up, went to the bathroom, got ready and got out his suit case. I waited on his bed until he came out when we went back to the living room, everyone was awake.

They were all smiling at me and congratulating us two.

It was also Camryn and Carlos' anniversary, but they celebrate it the next day.

After they all had breaky, I told James I was going to give him my present to hike first. I gave him the converses and he loved them. Then he went back to his room and came back with a pair of keys in his hand. He saw that I was still confused, so he led me to his car. We both took our suitcases with us into the car.

The whole time in the car, James would keep on smiling at me. 'You ready?' he said as we made a stop. I got out and saw we were parked right in front of a two-storey house.

He led me in and it was empty. It only had furniture. When I saw the house, I came bak to James and he was smiling. 'This is our new house!' He said in a very proud voice. 'WHAT!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!' I screamed as I ran into his arms.

He picked me up and dropped me on the couch. The house was amazing! Like my dream house! And I was sharing it with my celebrity crush! I laid on the carpet as James came and lay next to me. 'Thankyou!' I said as I kissed him.

Now we were with each other alone.

After, we went back to his car and drive back to my house. I told my family and we went to my room. We took everything out and took it to my new house.

James had all his stuff already in our room (yep, we're sharing a room!), so it was just my stuff.

There was a lot to un pack, but with the help of the rest of the boys and cam, we got it done. I was soooo happy!

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