Chapter 16

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Hey guys

Watta thinks gonna happen to tha haters? It will be revealed;) anyways





Luv yas



James' POV

When we got back from talking to our manager, we found Natalie and Camryn asleep on the couch, and the tv was playing our show. I went to go see Natalie. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps! I picked her up and put her in my bed.

As I laid her down, her eyes slowly opened. 'Wha- James? What did ur manager say?' She whispered. I just kissed her on the cheek and told her not to worry, and that he was going to fix it.

She then asked where she was as her eyes started to close I just pulled her hair back and tole her that we were still in my hotel. As I got into bed, her eyes closed more. I grabbed her hand and she held it.

She laid her head on me and we fell asleep. It wasn't anything wrong, she was just tired, to tired to drive and there were no sate rooms. I wasn't gonna let her lye on the couch.

She would fall off. Think of it as a favour. She felt so soft, I fell asleep with her in my arms.

Camryn's POV

As my eyes started to slowly open, I saw Natalie asleep in James' arms, as he took her into his room. As they left, I turned and saw Carlos. He was smiling at me and I smiled back.

I just looked at him and said 'I-I better be going. I'll pick up Natalie in the morning.' He gave me a 'are you crazy?!' look. 'Are you serious?! It's like 12 at night and you look really tired. Stay for the night. Natalie is. ' he said that and looked down. I put my hand under his chin and lifted his head so he was looking at me.

'Of course ill stay. But there's no where for me to sleep. I'm just gonna sleep on the couch. ' as I lay on the couch, I felt my body lifted. When I looked to see who it was, I saw Carlos. 'What are you doing?' 'Your not sleeping on the couch, you'll fall off.

' 'then where am I gonna sleep?' As I said that, he lowered me on his bed. As I looked at him, he was looking down with a shy face  I just smiled as he got in and we fell asleep in each others arms. 

***************next day******************

Natalie's POV

As I woke up this morning, I felt an arm around me, then I remembered it was James. He suddenly woke up when he felt me move, and he kissed me on the head. I smiled at him and got out. I did sleep in my clothes last night cause I wasn't planning to sleep over. When I got out and fixed my hair, James checked his watch, then ran and got changed.

I got out so he would have privacy. When he opened the door he said ' ok I should of told u yesterday, but you and cam are meeting our managers today and he is going to sort this problem out. ' 'thankyou' I whispered in his ear as I hugged him.

When we were out of his room, I found the rest in the kitchen. When I saw cam she knew I knew the news and she smiled, while leaning on Carlos as he had his arm around her. Kendall was in the kitchen making bacon and eggs, while Logan was setting the table. I can't watch people work for me, so ran to help Logan.

'Oh no it's ok nat (they call me that now) I don't need help. 'I don't like to watch people work for me ' he smiled. When we finished, Kendall drove us to their studio, and we met everyone that worked there. As we sat down, their manager started talking.

'So girls, I have heard about the comments on Facebook and most of them are hate, is that correct?' We all nodded 'well, I will make a stop to it. All you need to do is ignore them, do not reply of react to it, if you see paparazzi, just ignore it, the boys will cover you so you won't feel unconscious, and we will make a stop to it!'

I was so happy, I went and hugged him. He sounded like a nice manager, not one of those always angry ones. When we went back to the hotel, I asked if James and Carlos wanted to see my house, since we're always at their hotel. On the way, I was getting less hate on my phone, so I couldn't help but smile.

James hugged me as I was showing Kendall the directions to my place. When we got there, I said hi to everyone, and I introduced the boys to everyone. As I went to my room and got my laptop, I found a huge message on Facebook from the manager

. 'I have heard that James and Carlos' girlfriends have been getting a lot of hate lately. If this doesn't stop, there will be consequences. We all hugged together and smiled. We just talked about their career in my room for the rest on the night.

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