Chapter 8

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James' POV

'Hey Carlos. You know how we met those girls? Well I think one of them owns this phone!' I said to him holding up the phone.

'Really!!' He was smiling really big. 'I don't know yet. We will see tomorrow'

___________next day___________

Natalie's POV

This is it. Today's the day. I am going to meet BTR. I am going to meet James Maslow. I said before I knew this would happen!!

Camryn was in the bathroom getting changed and I was in my room. We picked out 2 dresses that don't say 'hey, look at me. I sparkle!' Just regular dresses.

My mum drove us to the hotel at 1, just like James said. When we got there, I remembered what room they were in. Room 231. There were heaps of rooms, but we found it. My mum left so it was just me and cam. We were taking deep breaths and then i knocked on the door. Kendall opened the door. We tried not to scream.

'Are you Natalie and Camryn?'

He asked us

'Yep' I replied. 'Come right in' he's so nice. When we got in the room, our mouths dropped. It was huge! As we walked in I saw James and Carlos smiling really big and Logan reading a book. I was wondering why James and Carlos were shocked through their smile.

Then I heard Carlos whisper 'its them it's them, James it's them. From the concert. James looked at him and smiled and they fist pumped. The first thing I said was 'you saw us at the concert?' And Camryn just waved.

Then Logan got up from his book and said hi. As he did, James started talking. I love his voice. 'Well at the concert, we were walking passed girls that were all screaming and crying and stuff, but when me and Carlos walked passed you two, you just smiled and we kept walking. We wanted to say hi but our manager kept on rushing us.

'Oh ok. But why would you want to say hi if we didn't scream?' I asked. I do t think before I say! 'Well you were acting normal' 'oh ok'. They like ur for being normal! I'm in heaven!

After we talked a little we had dinner. Then Logan went to the library and Kendall went to his girlfriends house. It was just me, Camryn, James and Carlos.

Then out of the blue, Carlos turned to Camryn and said 'do you wanna see my room?' Wow! He's nice! ;). 'Ok sure' she replied. She loves that boy, she will do anything.

After they left, James asked the same thing and I agreed. We started talking about his career and he told me that e could play guitar and he sang a little. It was fun. We put on some music and started listening. Soon he excused himself to go to the bathroom. While he was gone, the music was playing softly to my favourite song and I couldn't help but sing.

'I remember years ago, someone told me I should take, caution when it comes to love, i did

Tell the all I know know, shouting from the roof tops, writing on the skyline, all we had is gone now, tell them I was happy and my heart is broken, all my stars are open, tell them what I hoped would be impossible, impossible, impossible,  impossible.'

When the song finished I turned to the door and saw a shocked James. I looked down then I heard clapping. But it sounded like more than one person. I looked back up an saw Carlos and Camryn there as well. OMG!!! James likes my singing!

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