Chapter 1

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Hey guys

So as u kno I'm new to this but I kno I can do this. Thx 4 ur support!!!







<3 Becky

______________________________Natalie's POV

'Natalie, I thought you said you were studying, turn that music down!' My Mum just dosen't understand how much I LOVE big time rush. They are everything to me!!! I will never stop loving them!

'Mum, I can't study without big time rush!' I scream out to her. Parents just don't get that 16yr old BTR lovers need BTR in their lives, NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE DOING!

' Girl u know the only song that I wanna do o is featuring you.' i hear screaming out of my speakers. As soon as I finish my homework, I go to turn the music down a little and run to my phone. As soon as I got it I dialled my BFFL, Camryn's number.

I just love talking to her! We either call, message or FaceTime nearly everyday! As soon as she picks up, I start singing the song I'm listening to and she sings along. 'You can be the lyrics it's like I already hear it, girl you know the only song that I wanna do o is featuring you.'

We both sing to each other. As soon as we finish singing, we started talking about big time rush and how our school hardly knows who they are.

That's all we pretty much talk about. Big time rush. She always tries to convince me that Carlos Pena is better, and I always try to convince her that James Maslow is better.

We always fake-fight about that. It's our thing. I always know deep inside that one day I will meet them, someday.

All of a sudden the doorbell rings. I was suprised to see my older brother, Jackson that I haven't seen for what seems like a year!

See, he does college in America, and I'm in Australia, so I hardly get to see him. No one ever told me he was coming. I was so happy.

As soon as i saw him at the door, i ran into his arms, hoping he would catch me and lift me up as he is soo tall and soo strong (well i think if someone can carry another person, thay are strong). when he put me down, i showed him where mum and dad were, then we started talking about life and what has been happening ever since he left.

People think that you can never trust your siblings, but i trust my brother with everything, and he never tells. We do fight, but not as much as i fight with my little brother, james. (Although i do love my little brothers name, james from btr ;)! )lol

As soon as my little brother found out that Jackson was here, he pushed me out of the way and did a handshake (ever since James turned 5, him and Jackson had a handshake which they do everyday when Jackson is in Australia) One thing about James is that HE NEVER APOLOGIZES!! But this time, I didn't care.

Everything this month has made me happy. Could this month get any better?!?!

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