Chapter 2

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Hey guyysss!

Well, what did u think of my first chapter?!?! Pls write what u think cause I don't kno what to write n if its good or not.

N also do u have 2 be on a computer to make the writing side on and bold cause I can't on my phone. Pls help!!

Hope ur enjoying!





U kno!

LUV yas



Natalie's POV

You know how I said before that I wonder how this month will get any better well i forgot, I do know how this month can get any better, it's my birthday next week!!! I am soo excited, maybe that's why my brother came home.

Anyway... This year I'm turning 16. I said before that I was, but I like to act like I am because I'm soon 16.

Something I realized when Jackson walked in was his face was lit up. I don't know if he got a high mark on a test or because he is home, but now when i look at him, he smiles as if he's hiding something. But I don't think I will know now, ill just have to sit and wait.

So now we are all in the lounge room, all having either coffee of tea while talking, mostly about Jackson.

All of a sudden my phone rings. It was Camryn. I quickly run to my room and answer.

'Hi your mum texted me something about Jackson?'

'Yea he's back from America'

'Wow! I bet your very excited. Did he come for your birthday?'

'Thats what I don't know. He won't tell me. No one will.'

'Oh it's ok. Im sorry i have to go! See you on your birthday! Bye.'


Then she hanged up. Does she know something as well? Does she know what Jackson knows? Did mum know and tell Camryn? Does it involve me?!

All these questions were bubbling in my head as I walk back downstairs. Soon I hear another door bell. It was the rest of my family.

My auntie, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, cousins, everyone!

After everyone said hi to each other, me and favourite cousin, Emilia run up to my room and start thanking to each other about life.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't know what's going on!

We started talking about school, family and friends. She was talking about her netball team and how she won nearly every game this season and I was talking about my dancing and how I won an award for best dancer out of the whole dance school. That's an improvement, cause these things are hard to get, from experience.

After there was nothing left to talk about, we cranked up the music and started listening to big time rush, since I love them, then we listened to one direction, since she loves them ;).

When everyone left, I ran back downstairs to see the time. It was 10:00 at night!

'Good night mum. I'm tired' I called to my mum. She called back and I went to bed.

All I can think of is that big secret everyone is talking about. Hoping that I would find out about it, sooner or later. If I don't, someone will be in trouble! I don't know who, but probably the person who started it!

My Love For You // Big Time RushWhere stories live. Discover now