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*Cindy's POV*

We arrrived at the party and i gotta admit i really felt like going home right when we got here, but i promised Emma to stay, so i have no choice. We went inside and all i could see were people dancing on eachother, they were mostly 8th and 9th graders. Gross.

"OMG NO WAY IT'S EMILY! OH MY GOSH, I HAVENT SEEN HER SINCE 3RD GRADE. LET ME GO SAY HI, STAY HERE." Emma screamed to me in order to be able to hear her over the loud music. I nodded to signal her it was okay. While i stood there waiting, some dirtbag came up to me and just grabbed me, and pulled me close to him so our bodies were touching.

"LET ME GO!" I protested trying to shove him off of me.

"Why should i? Don't you wanna have a good time."


"Oh really, and who's that lucky someone that you're here with?" he asked. Oh crap, why did i have to lie...

"It's umm... It's umm...." well crap.

"ME!" i heard someone yell.

*Christian's POV*

When we got to the party Will started talking to some of his other friends and honestly i was bored so i let Will know that i was gonna go to the bathroom. I was wandering around, and a sight caught my eye, a girl, not just any girl, Cindy, was trying to push away a guy that im guessing was bothering her. I heard her tell him she came with someone and that kinda disappointed me. He asked who it was and she didnt answer, she looked so scared. What do i do? What do i do?

"ME!" i heard myself shout. Oh gosh, what did i just do? Once he heard me he let her go, i grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her outside, i figured she needed air, it was kinda stuffy in there. I noticed her shiver a bit, I took off my jacket and offered it to her, "Here, take my jacket."

"Thanks." she looked up to take the jacket and looked very suprised, i just laughed and put my jacket around her and pulled her close to me to keep her warm, i saw her blush a little. Aw, she's so cute.

"Is it okay if i hold you like this? Or does it bother you" i asked.

"It's okay." she replied blushing a little more.

"I owe you big time for that." she said while looking up and giving me a small smile. She's so beautiful, gosh.

*Cindy's P.O.V.*

"Oh really, and who's that lucky someone that you're here with?" he asked. Oh crap, why did i have to lie...

"It's umm... It's umm...." well crap.

"ME!" i heard someone yell.

The dirtbag let me go and whoever the mystery guy was pulled me through the crowd and led me outside. As soon as the cold air hit me i shivered.

He took off his jacket and offered it to me, "Here, take my jacket."

"Thanks." I looked up to take the jacket and was shocked. It was the one and only Christian Wossilek. He laughed and put his jacket around me and pulled me close to him, i couldn't help but blush a little. This is so embarrassing.

"Is it okay if i hold you like this? Or does it bother you" he asked.

"It's okay." I replied blushing a little more.

"I owe you big time for that." I said while looking up and giving him a small smile.


A/N: If you have read my other fanfics you would know that i absolutely suck at making long chapters so dont expect them so often. I'll try to make some super long sometimes but NO promises.

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