chapter 6

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a/n: Hey I have returned babes (: I noticed my story has been getting a lot of reads so I thought about continuing it yay I guess. here's a short chapter for y'all bye.

btw, Im writing this on my phone so there will most likely be a lot of errors. point them out if you find them, I won't mind (: thanks bye



*Cindy's POV*

I woke up and it took a while for my eyes to adjust but as soon as they did I freaked. I had no idea where I was and I was about to scream but memories from last night came flooding in and I remembered i was at Christians house but honestly I don't remember walking up to his room... I get up and find the bathroom. I walk in and do my business then look for some mouthwash just so I don't have bad morning breath. After thats done I walk downstairs to find a cute sleeping Christian on the couch. I didn't wanna wake him but I felt awkward being the only one awake so I shoved him a little but no response. I shoved him again but a little harder, still nothing. Once again I shoved him but harder, he rolled off the couch and hit the floor with a THUD. I gasped but then started laughing, I didn't mean for that to happen. He groaned in pain. I kneeled next to him, I wanted to make sure he's okay.

"Sorry about that," I apologized, "are you okay?"

He let out a small laugh, "Yeah I'm good." and stood up. "Your mom wants you home by 12pm today. What time is it?" He added.

I slid my phone out of my pocket & clicked the lock button. It's dead, great.

"Check your phone. Mine's dead"

He reached over and unplugged his phone from the charger.

"10:13. Do you want to have some breakfast with me?" He asked.

"Why not? I have time so might as well."

"Let me change and brush my teeth, I'll be right down. Make yourself comfortable."

"Can I use your charger while you're gone?" I asked

"Yeah sure." he replied and ran off leaving me alone in the living room. I plugged my phone into the charger and sat on the couch. Something suddenly hit me on my head. what the heck?? I hear a giggle and turn around to find Aiden standing there.

"oops I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you." he says shyly.

"Don't worry about it hun, here." I say as I hand him the ball.

"hi I'm Aiden, what's your name?"

"Im Cindy, nice to meet you." I say.

"Are you Christian's girlfriend?"He asks.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I'm assuming it's Christian.

"oh no, we're just friends." I reply just as Christian walks into the living room.

"Well you're really pretty" Aiden says as Christian comes and picks him up and kisses Aiden on his forehead.

"She is, isn't she buddy?" Christian says while giving me a smile that made my stomach get crazy butterflies. I couldn't help but blush and look away. Christian put Aiden down and Aiden ran off to play somewhere else with his toys.

"So what do you want for breakfast?"He asks.

"I don't mind. Whatever you get is fine with me"

"Did you sleep well?" He asks as he turns on the stove and takes out ask the ingredients. I'm guessing he's making pancakes.

"Your bed is very comfortable, thanks. Did you carry me up there?"I ask as a light blush creeps up on my cheeks.

"Yeah, how else would you have gotten up there"

"Oh my God was I heavy. If I was, I'm sorry for that." I say trying to focus on something else bc I did not wanna make eye contact with him.

"Nah, you're really light. Don't worry about it." he slides a plate with two pancakes on it in front of me, "eat up."

"Thanks for everything," I slice up one of my pancakes and eat a piece, "holy shit Christian these are amazing." I put my hand over my mouth after I realise I just cussed. Christian laughs at my reaction and just replies with a simple thanks as he slides a plate next to me and comes to sit down to eat. After about fifteen minutes we're both done eating, I offer to wash the dishes but Christian refuses.

"It's already 11:45, better get going. I can't thank you enough for everything and tell your parents I say thank you." I say. I get my phone from my m the charger and start heading to the front door. Christian runs up and stands in front of the door.

"I'm not letting you leave by yourself. I'm walking you to make sure you make it home safely."

I smile at his concern and agree. We walk out and just have a conversation about music until we arrive to my house. I again thank Christian for everything and walk into my house after telling him I'll text him later.


guys it's 5:45am and my eyes are shutting but i really wanted to update for y'all. hope you liked it. it's short bc I'm tired so yeah I'm going to sleep (: byeeee

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