Chapter 8

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We walk into the venue and i see all the fans already lined up, i'm guessing it's for the meet and greet. I'm walking alongside Christian but im not really talking to him. We make it to what seems to be backstage.

"I hope you know that I really missed you." He says with a sad look on his face.

"Yeah sure, if you really missed me you wouldve made an effort to talk to me" i snapped back at him.

Christian stopped and stood in front of me, blocking my path.

"Christian, step the fuck out of my way. Please."

"Cindy, please just listen to me."

"I dont want to hear your excuses, look it's whatever. Just move out of my way please."

I looked for Jackson and Eben but they were no where in sight. Im guessing they left to give Christian and i some alone time but thats the last thing i wanted right now.

"Cin-" just as he was gonna finish my name, a beautiful girl walked in interrupting us. She was a little shorter than Christian and she had dark long hair with greenish/hazel eyes. She was absolutely stunning.

"Hey babe," she spoke before noticing i was in the room, "oh and who are you?"

"Im wondering the same thing about you."

"Im Madison, and why are you with my boyfriend?" She spoke rudely. I heard the word 'boyfriend' and i felt my heart sink.

"Im Cindy, i was just leaving. You can have him all for yourself now. Have fun." I said as i stepped out of the room then i went outside for some fresh air and sat on the sidewalk.

I knew it'd be a bad idea to come. Why did i even. I heard someone behind me but i didnt want to turn around.

"Go away Christian, i dont want to talk to you."

"It's not Christian" i heard that adorable accent. It was Jackson.

"Oh sorry, i thought you were christian"

"It's okay," he chuckled, "do you wanna talk about the christian suituation? You seem pretty upset about it."

"Wouldnt you be upset if one of your closest friends ignored you for a long time and then didnt tell you they were dating someone? Because i think i have every right to be upset right now."

He sat next to me scooted over so he was closer to me then put his hand on my back and started rubbing light circles in attempt to calm me down. It was working.

"Wanna know something?" he whispered.

"Hmm?" I replied.

"Christian can be a complete douche sometimes but trust me, he doesnt mean harm."

I lightly laughed, "yeah i think i've noticed that, thanks"

"No problem." he said as he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in for a side hug. "I know we just met but you can come to me whenever you need anything okay. Or if Christian is being a jerk just let me know and i'll kick his butt"

"Thanks Jackson, you're the best. You should probably get back in there, the show is about to start."

He stood up then helped me up. He put his arm around my waist and that earned us a glare from Christian as soon as we walked in. I just brushed it off.

The boys performed four songs. First it was All Of Me, then it was Show Me. After that they performed Talk Dirty and then their single #Everything. After they sang they did a q&a with the fans. The concert was over in about an hour and the meet and greet was after the show.

Meet and Greet took FOREVER. It felt like an eternity since i had to be with Madison because we werent allowed in the same room as the boys. She was really rude and stuck up, i honestly dont understand why Christian is even dating her.

After what felt like one thousand years, the meet and greet was over and it was time to go home. This time since Madison was coming in the same car as us the seating arrangement was different. Christian and Madison sat in the back together and Eben, Jackson and I sat in the middle row. I was sitting in between Jackson and Eben.

The hour long ride was the most painful thing i ever had to experience. I was so close to flinging myself out of the moving car. Literally the whole ride you could hear Madison giggling because of stupid stuff Christian would do with her. You could occasionally hear them kiss and they even made out for a couple of minutes. Yuck, gross.

Jackson tried to distract me by playing with my hair or my hands once in a while or by trying to have conversations with me, but it didnt work. All i could think of was how much i wished i was in Madison's position.

We arrived to my home. I said bye to everyone and stepped out of the car. I hadnt realized that Jackson had gotten off with me until i felt an arm wrap around my waist.

"Thanks for everything Jackson. You made me feel a lot better today." I thanked him and hugged him.

"No problem, thats what friends are for."

"I just realized i never got your phone number" i bit my lip nervously.

"Here, hand me your phone because mine is dead. I'll put my contact in."

I handed him my phone after i put in my passcode to unlock it. After a little less than a minute he gave it back.

"Okay, dont forget to text me. Goodnight beautiful." He said to me before he kissed my cheek and walked off back into the car. I bit my lip and smiled as i unlocked the door and quietly stepped upstairs. My mom was asleep so i just walked into my room and stripped off my clothes. Then i put on my pajamas aka sweatpants and a loose crop top and slipped into bed. I was just about to drift off to sleep but i remembered I had to text Jackson.

New Message

to Prince Charming aka Jackson: Nice contact name you butt😂

I instantly received a reply.

Prince Charming aka Jackson: thanks bby😁❤️

Me: im going to sleep now because im super tired, you should try to do the same lol goodnight thanks for today💖

As i hit send i received a text from the last person i wanted to talk to, Christian.

Christian: what the fuck is going on between you and Jackson

Me: I dont have to explain anything to you. I think the one that needs to do explaining is you. Besides im tired so night.

With that i plugged my phone into the charger and silenced it just incase Christian texted back.


hey i decided to keep writing because whyyy not amirite? its like 3 am so thats why this chapter is bad. Lol who am i kidding, my chapters are always bad😂😂 thank you to those who are still reading, you guys are babes.

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