chapter 7

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I'm back babes (: Sorry to keep y'all waiting. This is gonna be super short considering its 2am on a school night and I'm tired as heck.


*Cindy's POV//3 weeks later*

(a/n: I can't remember if they're on summer vacation already so and also pretend the boys don't live in Florida ok)

It's been a week since vacation started and honestly I've just been in my bed watching Netflix. Christian and I have texted a couple of times but he haven't hung out. I miss him. Ever since Far Young happened he barely had time for me anymore. I mean dint get me wrong I'm extremely happy for him but I just want him to be all mine. Sounds selfish, I know, but it's the truth.

*bzz bzz*

"shit" I mumble to myself as the vibration of my phone startles(idk if this is a word oops) me. Christians name illuminates my bright screen in my dark room. That causes me to squint my eyes. I pick up the phone and lower the brightness before reading the text.

"Hey Cin, sorry I haven't really been talking to you. I've been really busy with band rehearsals and stuff. But I'd really like it if you went to our first show, it's tonight and it'd be amazing to have your support :) Well text me back if you see this :* "

attached to it was a picture of Jackson, Eben and him. He looked really happy. I guess I should go but something is telling me not to... but I have to go or else Christian will get upset. I forcefully got myself out of bed to shower for the first time in a week. Gross, I know I know. The warm water felt nice against my skin, it was very relaxing. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body.

fuck, I never asked him what time the show started. I cursed at myself.

"It sounds fun. What time will you be here to pick me up?" delivered.

the little bubble showed up, meaning he was typing.

"does 6:30pm sound good since the she starts at 8"

"sounds just fine, see you soon ;)"

My foot tapped repeatedly against the carpet as I stood in front of the closet just wondering what to wear. I didn't wanna go too formal but not to scrubby either. After standing there for too long I decided to go casual and wear a tshirt with some black skinny jeans and my white converse. Next was the makeup. I applied concealer to hide my dark bags under my eyes due to lack of sleep, eyeliner just cuz, mascara and some lip gloss. I took one last look in the mirror just as the doorbell rang. Just in time.

My mom want home, as usual so I just left a note on the dining table telling her I'd be back soon. I made sure I had everything with me.

phone. check.

money. check.

gum. check.

keys. check.

ok good to go. I stopped outside and locked the door behind me before getting into the car with the guys. I sat in the passengers seat as the three guys say in the back. And there he was. The boy I had been longing to see. His eyes looked tired, probably from all the practicing.

"Hey" was all I managed to say.

"I missed you. How have you been." he asks me as he smiles lightly.

"Just fine." I reply sounding a bit too harsh.

he just looks down and starts doing something on his phone. I look over at Jackson and Eben and introduce myself since Christian didn't have the decency to do it himself. After about an hour if driving we arrive at the place where I'm guessing they're performing at. I step out of the car and immediately stretch after being so uncomfortable. Christian attacks me with a hug and picks me up while twirling me around.

"I missed you so much" he whispers in my ear. His voice and the thought of how close his face is to mine causes me goosebumps.

Eben and Jackson's "awe's" kinda run the moment and cause me to blush.

"So you must be Jackson, I'm Cindy. nice to meet you." I say to him as he pulls me in for a hug.

"It's nice to meet you too. Christian won't shut you about so I'm guessing you must be a very nice girl." he says as I pull away and smile. His accent is cute. I turn around to find a very cute, blushing Christian.

"Aaaand you must be Eben" I say as I hug him and he hugs back. For some reason I find his his very comforting.

"Ok so we go on in 30 minutes. Y'all ready?" Christian says breaking the silence.


A/N: boring chapter yes I know but I'm tired as poop and I need sleep so see you guys soon. goodnight.

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