chapter 4

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I ran upstairs and made a mess tryna find the perfect outfit to wear tonight. After i picked it out there was a pile of clothes on my bed. Oh well, i'll have to clean that up when im back. I went into the bathroom and applied a thin line of eyeliner on my eyes. It's 5:30 so i'll just grab something to eat real quick before he gets here. I decide to get a sandwich with chips. The doorbell rings. I take a quick look in the mirror and open the door.

"Come in. Let me just get my stuff." I say while welcoming him in.

I quickly run upstairs to brush my teeth and grab my phone, mints , and money and stuff it in my sweater's pocket. Ready to go!

"Okay leggo!" I yell while locking my arm with his and walking out the door. My mom is gonna drive us there. We jump in the car and i introduce Christian to my mom. Seems like she really likes him, yay! We finally arrive after a 30 minute drive.

"Oh my god Christian, I don't know if i can do this." I say as i see a creepy zombie at the entrance.

"Yes you can. Just remember im here with you. I wont let anything happen to you." He said as he slid his hand with mine. I moved closer to him and took a deep breath. I could do this, i got nothing to worry about (: Im with him.

We paid our entrance and walked in. Creepy things everywhere. Not a fan of halloween AT ALL. I squeezed Christian's hand and he looked down at me and just gave me a warm smile.

"It's gonna be okay. Youre with me. I wont let anything happen to you. Just remember that." He reassured me. I smiled at him and kept walking fowards. Out of no where this really scary chainsaw person pops out in front of me and i lose it.

*Christian's POV*

She screams. I put my arms around her waist from behind and hold her tightly. I feel her hands go on top of mine. She turns around and hugs me tight while hiding her face in my chest. Even though She looks so cute when shes scared, I honestly dont think this was a good idea. I grab her by the hand and start walking her out.

"Where are we going?" She asks.

."I'M getting you out of here. I dont want you to faint or have a heart attack or something. Let's instead go to the mall or the movies." I suggest.

"No Christian," she stops walking and pulls me back, " i can do this. You even said it yourself. Im not gonna back out now." She says. I put my arm around her around her waist

"If you insist then, lets keep walking." I smile at the thought of having her in my arms. "Tell me about how im the reason youre still here." She looks up at me with a sad look. "Only if you want to, i mean you dont have to if you dont want to." I say as i look away.

"It's okay. Im gonna have to tell you sooner or later so why not now." She stopped and took a deep breathe before starting, "Well I used to get bullied a lot bc i was the nerd of the class and bc im not the prettiest or the most popular. So i started feeling insecure and worthless and that led me to start cutting," she pulled up her sleeve and showed me her scars, "I have stopped now, thanks to you. I found your video of 'When I Was Your Man' and i actually smiled while watching it. You made me so happy. Im 4 months clean and im proud of myself to be honest. I remember always getting home and watching your videos bc that'd be the only thing that would make me smile and keep me from cutting. So thank you so much. Bc if it werent for you i dont think i'd be here today." I saw a tear roll down her cheek as she finished. I stopped and stood in front of her and wiped the tears off her face.

"well all those people that thought you werent the prettiest were wrong bc youre one of the most gorgeous girls i've ever seen. And your personality just makes you perfect. I'm glad you came across my video bc if that wouldnt have happened i woulnt be standing here with you right now, having the best time of my life with an amazing girl." I answered as i leaned in and kissed her forehead. I hugged her tight and rubbed her back. "Why dont we go to my house and watch movies instead?" I suggest.

"Sounds better than this to be honest." She answers with a giggle.

"there's that smile i love. Now let's go. I'll call my dad to come and get us." I say as i take my phone out of my pocket and unlock it to call my dad.


Hope you liked it

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