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Have I found you, flightless bird? Jealous, weeping.

Flightless Bird

Ridley's Pov-

It's amazing how one person could change your belief in everything but they could never believe you.

Charles Bukowski once wrote, "Find what you love, and let it kill you."

Derek took me home after that night at the school. Stiles came home a few hours later and explained exactly what had happened in my absence. Turns out Allison, Lydia, and her boyfriend, Jackson, were trapped in the school as well. They were all fine but Scott told the police that Derek was the one responsible.

Also, Dr. Deaton had been outside with the police, he isn't the Alpha. Problem is, we were back to square one.

I walked into the school with Allison and Lydia.

"Its weird. Everyone knows what happened but no one knows that we were there," Allison commented.

"Maybe that's a good thing. I don't want all the attention," I reply.

"You were there?"

I nod.

Lydia scoffs, "Where the hell were you then? We could've died and I would've liked to see you before that."

"Sorry," I mutter. "I was hiding, just like you guys. I got separated from Scott and Stiles."

She rolls her eyes, "Well at least we're together now." 

We make our separate ways to our lockers. Suddenly, I feel a hand go on my shoulder. I jump and turn to see Scott.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. You just scared me."

"Sorry," Scott says.

"Its okay. I'm just jumpy."

"What happened to you that night?"

I lied again, "We got separated and I hid in a supply closet."

That's when Allison walked past us. Scott begins gasping for air.

"Stiles," I call. His locker isn't too far from mine.

He rushes over as soon as he notices Scott. He helps him up and takes him to the locker room, with me following behind.

Scotts sits down gasping.

That's when Stiles handed him his inhaler.

"Panic attack. I got them a lot after mom died," Stiles says sadly.

Mercy - Derek Hale - Temporarily DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now