Jimin Part 2

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"That feeling of regret when time passes and you realize you've let the wrong person go."

Was had thought that the happy boy would turn into a broken hearted boy with nothing but you in his mind. He often questioned himself why he did what did. He couldn't blame it on the alcohol because he knew more than well that it wasn't the alcohol that got him like that.

Why did he do it? Why did he let you go and lie about that you were the biggest mistake in his life when you were his world? His whole world who shone up his dark days. You were the only light he needed in this life, the only light that could bring happiness to his life.

It has now been 2 long months without you and he still remembered the feeling he got when he woke up that morning, with your ring in his hand. Regret, regret, regret, pain, regret, regret and regret were what he felt.

That day, he did nothing but drink. Drinking away the pain and the regret. Drinking away thoughts about you. Drinking away the emptiness without you near.

What more could he do? Losing you was like losing his hope about the future. Losing the light that helped him through his darkest days. Losing the love of his life. All because of one stupid mistake.

Did he regret it? Yes.

Did he miss you? Hell yes.

Did he stop loving you? Absolutely not.

Did he get you back? No...

Did he make you his again? No, he didn't.


Because he was afraid, afraid of things that could happen if he said one more wrong word. Afraid of getting rejected. Afraid of you moving on. Afraid of you not loving him anymore. Afraid of you hating him for what he did. Afraid of breaking promises he couldn't even keep, again.

Afraid. That was what he was. He always asked himself why he couldn't grow some balls and just call you. Just to hear your voice even if it was in the middle of the night. Or just let you know that he missed you more than anything else.

"I don't think Y/N hates you. She loved you very much and did almost everything for you. You should at least call her to let her know that you're sorry. You guys might get back together and if not, at least she knows that you regret saying those awful words to her" Namjoon said and crossed his arms over his chest.

The boys had been mad at first, blaming Jimin for letting such a good girl go. They blamed him for being too jealous and that the jealousy made him blind. But they were also supportive, they tried to help him. Even though it wasn't easy when all Jimin did was thinking about all the negative things that could happen.

"Hyung, you don't understand. I told her she was the biggest mistake in my life, I broke her heart. I still remember the look on her face when I said those awful words. Even if she's going to forgive me, I'll never be able to forgive myself and forget about it. That day will always be there no matter what" Jimin answered and buried his face in his hands.

"Look at us, Jimin. You're not going anywhere if you don't make a move. Start today, take her back. Make her come back to you if you love her. 2 months is not enough for her to forget you and moving on. She's still waiting" Jin said and placed a hand on Jimin's right shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.

Jimin looked up at them, letting a single tear leaving his eye, slowly rolling down his right cheek. He was going to do whatever it took to have you back in his arms again.

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