The New Girl

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Ash's POV


I woke up to hear my mum screaming out at me to get up. I opened my eyes to see Pikachu come racing in to my room prepared to wake me up. "I'm awake!" I quickly say to Pikachu and roll out of bed. I walk over to my wardrobe and pull out my usual clothes, and race downstairs with Pikachu to get breakfast.

"I cooked your favourite today!" My mum exclaimed happily and walked over with a plate heaped with bacon and eggs.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed, and began to wolf it down. My mum watched me happily, and then said "Make sure you get to the bus on time" as she left to go to work.

"MUM" I groan. "I missed the bus once. I haven't missed it since!"

"Just making sure" she said, smiling as she walked out the door. "See you!"

"Bye mum" I call out then look at Pikachu. To my surprise, he was slowly pulling away a piece of bacon off my plate. When he noticed me staring at him, he froze and smiled at me. Then quickly pulled it off my plate and jumped away. I smiled and continued to eat my breakfast.

"Alright Pikachu, its time to go." I raced out the door and ran to the bus stop. Just as I arrived, Gary and Clemont came around the corner.

"Hi guys!" I yelled out. I raced over to them.

"Hi Ash!" said Clemont

"Ash" exclaimed Gary. "You are NEVER here this early. Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine." I sighed, and looked back at Clemont. "How's your latest project going?"

"Great!" he exclaimed "It hasn't even blown up and I've tested it. Its going to be amazing."


"GARY, CLEMONT, ASH" yelled someone. We all whirled around to see Dawn and May come running down the path. Clemont and I stepped forward and were about to say hello when Gary stepped in front.

"Hey girls. How's it going?" he said, folding back his hair as he did so. Clemont and I sighed. Gary, obviously hadn't changed at all over the summer break.

"Hi Gary." said Dawn. May sighed and didn't bother responding to Gary.

Dawn now addressing us all, said "Guys, have you heard? There's a new kid coming to school today. And she lives in this town! Do you think we gonna make new friends?"

"A new kid?" I asked

"Why are you so excited about a new kid, Dawn?" asked Gary, and me and Clemont nodded in agreement.

"Boys. Don't bother with them Dawn, we can talk to Misty and Iris about it" said May

"Yeah, good idea." said Dawn.

"Guys, the bus is coming!" said Clemont, and we all piled on as it stopped. I sat next to Clemont because I couldn't handle Gary's constant chatter today. I wondered which teachers we would have for classes today. As I thought about this I was interrupted as Gary yelled in my ear "Ashy-boy! We're at school now, come on get off the bus. I quickly hopped off with Gary and walked over to my friends.

"Hey guys." I looked at them. Barry, as usual looked like he had just gotten up and rushed to school in a panic and Drew and Kenny were busy talking about something or other.

"Ash! Gary!" They said together. Then everyone began talking.

"Ugh, new teachers. I hope we have some of the same ones from last year" moaned Gary

"More homework this year. What are we gonna do" exclaimed Barry

"Chill dude" said Drew laughing

"I agree with Barry" I said "I don't want to much homework."

"Come on, it won't be that bad." said Kenny.

"Homework isn't that hard" said Clemont

"Hey guys!"

And for the second time this morning, we all whipped around to see Dawn, May, Misty and Iris. As everybody said hello, Gary suddenly shouted "Lets have a triple battle!"

Everyone grinned

"I'll referee" said Clemont, while May and Drew and Kenny decided to sit out this time. We all ran over to the battlefield. Pikachu leapt in front of me, while Gary called out is Wartortle and Barry called his Roserade. The girls threw their pokeballs and Piplup, Axew, and Togepi appeared. Everyone was about to call a command when suddenly the bell rang for school. Everyone groaned.

"We will get you next time." said Gary and recalled his Wartortle. Everyone else did the same, and all of us ran off to our lockers to get ready for our new classes.

Once I had collected my things, Pikachu and I raced down the hall looking for our classes.

"Pika!" exclaimed Pikachu, and I looked over to see him pointing at my classroom down the hall.

"Thanks buddy!" I said, and ran down the hall.

"To my relief, Gary, Barry and Dawn were in this class as well. I raced down the hall to meet them.

Gary noticed me and said "Oh, hi Ash"

"You're in this class too?" asked Barry

"Yeah." I replied

"Thank goodness. He exclaimed. I don't think I could have handled Gary by myself"

Everybody laughed, and walked into class. We all sat down next to each other, and waited for class. Our teacher walked in and told us his name was Professor Rowan. I groaned to myself. Professor Rowan had a reputation for being a hard teacher. Well, I thought to myself, Gary might be in trouble. Everyone sat down and for the next hour we endured the trial that was math class. After we left, everyone exploded as they complained about our math teacher.

"He was so strict" complained Dawn

"He almost gave me a detention on the first day!" exclaimed Gary

"He gave us so much homework" cried Barry

Once I had made it through the next couple of periods, the bell rang for lunch and I ran outside. Gary, Kenny, Barry, Drew, Clemont, Dawn, May, Iris, Misty and I all met up after we had eaten lunch in our groups (boys and girls, of course) and decided to resume the battle we started before school. Again, we split up into teams for the triple battle, and Pikachu and the other pokemon leapt onto the battlefield, ready to go.

"Battle begin!" yelled Clemont, and just as I was about to have Pikachu use quick attack, for the second time today, we were interrupted, as a small voice called out "Excuse me?"

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