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~ A broken heart is the worst, its like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it but it hurts every time you breathe ~


Louis hand banged on the door rapidly, now getting quite scared. After he heard a loud pained cry he started to knock on the door, but no one answered. He stopped knocking and pressed his ear to the door, hearing quiet muffled whimpers.

"Hello?" Louis said. No one replied.

"Let me in or ill break the door." Louis threatened, but still, no one opened the bathroom door.

Louis stepped back and rammed his shoulder into the door, after multiple attempts of breaking the door he heard a loud crack. And the door opened slowly.

Louis took a step in the bathroom rubbing his shoulder with a frown on his face, hes eyes wondered around the room before landing on a boy sitting pressed up against the bath tub hiding his face. All Louis could see was a mop of brown curly hair resting between his knees.

Louis completly forgot about his sore shoulder and gasped loudly, running towards the boy and colapsing infront of him.

"Are you allright?" Louis asked. The boy didnt reply, a simple nod would have been enough but still, the boy sat motionless. Louis was sitting crossed legged infront of the curly headed boy, he placed a hand on the back of the boys hand and he flinched, shrugging back further against the bathtub.

"I wont hurt you. I promiss." Louis whispered to the boy, he felt stupid talking to a grown boy like this, but he cant judge a story he doesnt know, there was somthing wrong with this boy, not a bad thing, but he would find it out.

"Please look at me." Louis said quietly, the boy wasnt going to look up, he debated in his head wether to or not, and Louis thought he wouldnt, but then the curly mop raised and Louis saw the most beautiful thing.

Louis didnt really know how to describe the boy. Perfect, flawless, stunning... Just beauitful. Absolutely beautiful. He was sure how long he was staring at the boys green, red eyes and tear stained cheeks because he just lowered his head back down into his knees and then Louis reacted, remmebering what the task at hand was, not staring at the boy like he was somthing to eat.

"No please look up again. Look at me. Whats your name?" The boy didnt move again, god hes lost his chance just because he basically looked at the boy with his mouth wide open.

"Harry." He said, his voice raspy and sounded sore from crying.

"Im Louis." Louis said back.

Louis put his hand under Harrys chin, pulling his head up so he could see his face again. Louis other hand went up and wiped the many tears soaking his cheeks, while Harry just stared in Louis eyes. Harry was in some trance, staring at the boy named Louis, which he thought looked rather beautiful. He snapped back into reality and pushed Louis of him.

"Go away." Harry said, starting to tower his head back down to cradle in his knees, but Louis wasnt having it again.

"Its ok. I wont hurt you I promiss." Louis said ressuring Harry.

Louis looked around the room, looking for a sign of somthing to do to make Harry respond. Hes eyes landed on a small razor coated thickly in blood on the floor across the room. Next to it was splatters of blood, like somone was holding a bleeding cut above it as it dripped to the floor. The worst thing crossed Louis mind, and he gasped outloud. He grabbed Harrys arm and flipped it over, finding 8 large slices up his forearm, a particulary deep one stood out to him, still oozing with blood. And that was when Louis worst thought was prooved true, the boy had been cutting his arm with the razor.

"Harry... Why?" Louis asked. But he recieved the same reply as last time.

"Go away."

"Why do you want me to go away?" Louis said slightly frustrated, as the feel of rejection came over him.

"Because no ones gives a fuck. No one has ever gave a fuck so I doubt some random guy will care so just fuck of before I start to like you and you leave and ill just get hurt more!" Harry screamed in Louis face. Both boys were suprised at Harrys sudden outburst.

"Im not going anywhere, and I do care." Louis replied simply.

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