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~ A secret is a kind of promiss, but can also be a prison ~


Harry was sitting on the end of his bed with his head in his hands. Louis knelt infront of him and pulled his hands gently away from his face. Green watery eyes made eye contact with blue ones and invisable fireworks exploded inside both of them.

"Please dont cry. Your beautiful." Louis said, wiping the tears from both of his cheeks, he left one hand there, holding Harrys right cheek, still damp from being drenched in tears.

"No ones e-ever called me b-beautiful bef-before." He said, and Louis heart melted at the words.

How could no one have possibly seen the defined beauty in this boy.

"Toasted cheese sandwedges?" Louis offered and Harry nodded. Louis went to the kitchen and suprisingly Harry followed close behind him, not wanting to leave the older boys side. While Louis was cooking Harry just stood there on the other side of the counter, chin resting on his palms, watching every move of Louis.

Louis walked over to the table and put down Harrys plate, they both sat and Louis being hungry as allways straight away started devouering the sandwedge. Whilst Harry just sat there watching Louis.

"Why are you watching me so much?" Louis said as he swallowed the last bite, Harry hadnt even touched his.

"I dont know. You facinate me." Harry said shrugging like i was so big deal, but to Louis, it was a huge deal. His insides fluttered.

Louis got up from the other end of the table and sat down again right next to Harry so their thighs were touching.

"Please eat some. Atleast try." Louis said, picking up half the sandwedge and holding it up to the boys lips. He didnt care if since Louis came hes had to look after Harry like he was a baby, he didnt mind at all, this boy wasnt a baby, he was broken, and Louis would be the glue to glue all his tiny bits back together, to fix him. Harry froze abit, before opening his mouth and taking a tiny bite out of the sandwedge. He chewed and swollowed it.


Harry nodded in responce. After about an hour of begging, pleading, threatening that if he didnt eat he would get sick, Harry finally swalled the last bite of the sandwedge.

"Thankyou Harry. Thankyou so much. You did it!" Louis said, abit to exitedly, but so what, the boy ate. Harry smiled and Louis for the first time, he had allways had a emotioness face but he did this adorable side smile and Louis heartrate increased at the sight. You could just see his perfectly straight teeth hiding under his pink lips, and a dimple on one cheek appeared when he smiled. Over all Louis thought it was the most prettiest thing.


Harry was laying in his bed in just boxers when Louis came back into the room from getting changed in the bathroom. Louis could feel Harrys eyes all over his shirtless body and showing legs as he was just wearing boxers aswell. Louis got in his bed across the room and snuggled under the covers.

"Wait.. You live here now?" Harry asked, confusing filling his voice.

"Im your new dormmate Harry." Louis chuckled as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh. I didnt even think to think why you suddenly appeared here. Well thats good, im glad your here. I like you." He whispered the last part and Louis barley heard it.

Louis just smiled, his blush being hidden in the darkness.

"Lou... Can.. Can I sleep with you? Its just ive been alone for so long and I just w-want somone to-"

"Come here Harry. Its fine." Louis said, stopping the boy from rambling. Harry ammediatly shot up and was across the room in seconds eager to be close to the older boy. Harry got in the bed infront of Louis so his back was pressed to Louis front. Louis wrapped his arms around Harrys frong and linked his hands with Harrys infront of them. Harry sighed in relief.

"Maybe I might actually sleep well tonight. Can you.. S-sing to me? My mum used to sing to me."

"Sure." Louis said, closing his eyes and resting his face in the crook of his neck, his curls tickling Louis face slightly.

Louis sang a song his mum used to simg everynight to him to help him sleep.

"If only, if only

the woodpecker sighs.

The bark on the trees where as soft as the skies.

As the wolf waits below,

Hungry and lonely,

He sighs at the moon,

If only if only."

Louis voice sent shivered up Harrys spine as he closed his eyes and fell asleep in the boys arms that cared.

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