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~ The rose speaks of love silently, in a language only known to the heart~


While Louis complemented on all Harry flaws, he just stood there watching the shorter boy move about tapping his nose, cheeks, and his cuts on his chest. Harry felt very selfconsious, Louis' the only person thats seen his cuts. Harry wanted to run and hide, but he didnt. He stood still in the bathroom holding the shorter boy in his arms kissing him lovingly.

Louis trailed his hands down Harrys hips and rested his hand on Harrys thigh, feeling a wet, warm surface but quite rough. Louis gasped and looked down to see the word 'Sorry' carved in on his thigh, still oozing with blood but partly drying.

"Harry baby why?" Louis said breaking the kiss.

"Im sorry."

"I can tell."

"Dont be mad."

"Im not mad Harry. Im scared. You cant keep going like this its going to hurt you, your going to get hurt. Perminatly."

"Lou I try. I really do, I try not to do it but it just happends and I cant stop."

Both boys stood their silent, just enjoying the others presence.

"Let me clean it up." Louis said dragging Harry over to the shower. Both of them were allready shirtless so Louis ripped of his sweats and boxers, hopping in the shower. He didnt care if he was naked infront of Harry.

"Coming?" Louis asked, turning the knobs so the water ran warm. Harry shook his head.

"I dont want you seeing me naked..." Harry said, slighly shy and ashamed.

"Well im naked, so hurry up put some pep in your step grandma."

Harry laughed at his joke, stripping down and hopping in the small cramped shower next to him. Both boys tried not to look down, but what do you expect putting two gay boys naked in a shower together?

Louis peeked down, just once and when he did he gasped loudly. Not even caring about Harrys bits, but caring about the ingravings next to it.

Louis had never seen Harry without boxers on, so he hadnt seen what was hiding underneith them. More cuts, more scars, more scabs covered his hips and upper thighs that have been hidden to Louis.

After both boys were washed and dried, they got out of the shower. Both just throwing on a pair of boxers each and stumbling over to the beds. It was allmost lunchtime but Harry looked exausted.

Harry layed down on his bed, hands behind his head. Louis came and knelt next to the bed next to Harry. He picked up his arm and kissed the scars gently up his arm. He trailed the kisses down his arm and across his chest and down his legs. He played close attention to the hurtfull words carved into his left thigh, letting his lips linger on them for abit. As if he was healing each cut with a kiss.

"Meal time!" Louis said suddenly jumping up. Harry groaned loudly in responce.

"Not hungry!"

"Too bad!"


The day passed quickly, after a long lunch, coaxing and kissing to get Harry to eat, and having the same trouble with dinner. He had eaten three meals and was full.

"You did so well today Harry. Im so proud of you. Dont you feel better now that youve eaten properly?" Louis said as he held Harry in his bed. It was dark and late and both boys had classes tomorrow.

"Sort of. Im going to get fat Lou-"

"Dont even start Harry. You underweight you need to eat. So dont bother arguing because I will win."

Harry was silent.

"Sorry I didnt mean to-" Louis started to apologise.

"Its fine." Harry said, looking up and Louis and smiling showing him his dimple.

"Night boo." Harry said, pecking a kiss to Louis nose.

"Night Hazza." He replied.

An hour later Louis was still awake, so was Harry. Louis was waiting for Harry to fall asleep first, but still he layed there with his eyes wide open.

"Lou are you awake?"


"Can you sing?"

"Sure baby." Louis said, smiling at Harry.

" If only, if only

The woodpecker sighs,

The bark on the trees were as soft as the skies.

As the wolf waits below,

Hungry and lonely,

He sighs at the moon,

If only, if only."

Louis watched as Harrys eyes fluttered closed and his breathing became deeper. Louis smiled to himself looking at the beautiful boy before his eyes fluttered closed aswell.

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