Chapter 5

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For the next few weeks I was on the same routine. Get up, go to school, walk home, train, and go back to bed. I think it was the longest period of time that I had actually been in school. The others seemed happy that I was starting to act like a regular kid, but Thor was still cautious around me.

Coulson kept checking up on me to see if I was harming myself in any way. I wasn't. The only self pain I inflicted was remembering, but it was nice to know that people actually cared for a monster that was born to destroy to world.

I thought that no one cared. At least I couldn't remember anyone that cared. I still didn't remember how we found out that Steve was my father. No matter how many times they told me, nothing seemed to click. I didn't remember getting shot on the helicarrier and I didn't remember that much about the Winter Soldier. I was still lost, but not as lost as before.

While in Coulson's office one day, he offered me something that I couldn't refused. "Will, I know that losing your memory can be hard, but I know how you can get away from all this. I want you to come join my SHIELD team. I could use someone with your experience in the field with my men" he offered.

"Wow. Really, but how will we cover this? I mean, I'll be gone for however many weeks" I said.

"I'll tell the Avengers or Clint will. I think this will be good for you. You've probably been through more than my team" he replied "Skye, I mean Daisy, has been shot and Agent Morse has been captured by Ward and shot, and Simmons has been to another planet and back, and Fitz has had some brain damage due to Ward".

Coulson talked about his team for another ten minutes. "I already feel like I know them" I commented "if I'm going with you, then I better get home to pack. Can you call Clint for me?"

Twenty minutes later, Clint was sitting in the office while Coulson was explaining to him why I was leaving. He seemed to understand. "What exactly do you want me to tell the others?" Clint asked.

"Tell them that a teacher at this school knew about my whole situation with the Avengers and asked me to join their SHIELD team for a few weeks" I shrugged.

"But SHIELD was destroyed, so is that very believable".

"Technically SHIELD wasn't destroyed, just downsized. I'm the new director of SHIELD. Maria Hill knows. Doesn't she work for Stark?" Coulson said. Clint nodded.

"I'll tell Hill, she can cover for us" Clint stated "come on, Will, let's get home so you can pack".

Clint drove me home to pack and then drove me to the coordinates that Coulson told us to meet him at. We met him in the middle of a field that was far from the city. He was waiting for us in in a jet.

"I'll see you in like two weeks, I guess" Clint said driving off.

"So, Coulson, did you bring any of your team" I asked.

"I actually did" he replied leading me into the jet. Sitting there were four people.

"Will?" a woman with brown hair asked. She looked familiar.

"Will doesn't remember anything that well. I'll just let her explain" Coulson stated "oh yeah, guys, this is Will. Will, these are Agents Morse, May, and Mackenzie. You already know Daisy".

Agent Morse was a tall blonde woman. Agent May was an Asian woman that looked like she had a real chip on her shoulder. Agent Mackenzie was a tall black man.

"I would prefer if you called me Mack" he said.

"Just call me Bobbi" Agent Morse added.

"She looks weak" I heard May whisper to Coulson as they walked into the cockpit. I just sat in silence for the ride to the base. When the jet landed, Daisy showed me around and introduced me to some of the other agents including the two scientists Fitz and Simmons and a man named Hunter. Then she showed me a place where I could sleep.

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