Chapter 18

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Another two weeks went by. Tony and Clint left James out of the cell, so Steve and I stayed in our own part of the tower. We wouldn't go into the lab or the gym or the communal floor. We just avoided everyone.

"We have to face them someday" Steve said.

"I know, but they actually trust him enough to let him sleep outside of that cell" I said.

"Is that why you sleep with the door locked".

I nodded. I wasn't going to take any risks. James wanted to kill me. He wanted to go back to Hydra and destroy the world.

"I'm not taking any risks" I stated.

"I get it. I know that he wants to kill you and you should be careful, but you have the advantage" Steve said "You have more experience than he does and you're stronger".

"Not to mention that I have a burning rage that could level New York" I muttered.

"Well you have that too".

(James's P.O.V.)

I didn't get it. I didn't want to kill her, I just wanted to show her the light. Ragnarok belonged to Hydra. She wasn't supposed to be here. It had almost been a year since she escaped. I was going to her room. I was going to show her the light. She was going to become loyal to Hydra one way or another. I knocked on the door, but it wasn't Ragnarok that answered.

"What do you need" my father asked.

"Dad close the door" I heard Ragnarok say.

"Will, this was bound to happen some day" he let me in.

"Hey Ragnarok" I said.

"I told you not to call me that" she growled.

"But that's your given name".

"My name is Will, it always has been and it always will be now get out".

"Cap could you give us a minute" I said. I wasn't going to call that man my father. He started walking towards the door.

"Dad you can't leave me alone with this lunatic" Will yelled as Cap left the room.

"Will this might do some good for the both of you" Cap said shutting the door. Will reached behind her.

"You try anything and I'll hurt you" she said pulling out a knife.

"Look I didn't come here to kill you. In fact I don't want to kill you. I just want to show you the light" I explained.

"This is the light, can't you see that. Hydra wants to use us to destroy the world along with billions of innocent people" she said.

"Hydra want to take out the weak and the evil. They don't want to destroy the world".

"They think that heroes are evil and that innocent people are weak. Hydra should just destroy itself" she said twirling the knife.

"Why you think like that. Hydra created you" I started.

"Yes they did, but they did it using the DNA of Captain America; a symbol of freedom. So answer me this, why would you want to go back and be their slave when you could be free here" Will retorted.

"We're not free here. We'll never be free".

"You might not think that you have freedom, but you do. No one is keeping you here" she said.

"You'd really trust me to leave" I asked.

"No but if you do I'm not going to be the one that stops you".

"What's school really like" I asked. I wanted to get to know my sister.

"It's hell, but my friends go there" she answered.

"Why is it hell".

"Because I made the mistake of showing someone my powers to save my friend" she stated "why am I even telling you this".

"Because we're family and we should be able to talk about things like this" I said.

"I can't accept you as my family. Cap and Peter; they're my family" Will whispered.

"You might not like it, but we share the same blood" I said "your hair wasn't always short like that was it".


"Did you cut it" I asked.

"Doctor Doom did".

"Doctor Doom. I know that he's bad news, but how did you survive" I asked.

"I survived twice. The first time our jet was shot out of the sky. Doom captured us and strung me up like a tapestry. He whipped me and ran experiments on me. The second time was after I showed that kid my powers. Peter and I were taken. We spent four days in captivity".

"How'd Peter survive".

"I did everything that Doom told me. I didn't fight the injections, I didn't fight the whipping. I did it to keep him alive. That's what you do for family".

"Do you have scars".

"Do you have scars; of corse I have scars" she yelled "what about you. I don't see one scar on those arms".

"I guess I don't have any" I said looking down.

"That's the difference between you an me. I know what real pain feels like".

"You're right, but can I see the scars".

She cautiously lifted up the back of her shirt and turned around. "Jesus" I whispered "they don't look fully healed".

"That's because they aren't".

"Do they hurt".

"All the time".

"So if I touched one it would burn".

"It would more than burn and if you touch them I will hurt you".

"Do they hurt all the time".

"Every moment of every day" she answered. I felt bad for her. I knew that Hydra had beaten her when she rebelled, but I didn't know about Doom.

"You know Hydra beat me even when I didn't do anything. They said that it would make me stronger. They have no idea how messed up I am".

"And exactly how messed up are you".

"I have a burning rage that could level New York" she stated.

"Don't you take that out on those punching bags".

"Most of it stays in me, unlike my blood" Will twirled the knife again "what about you, any war stories".

"Nope not unless you count when you kidnapped me" I stated "so what about your arc reactor; when did you get that".

"I got it after taking a few bullets to the gut and falling out of a helicarrier".


"You're really going back to that after I told you about myself" she said.

"Fine, fine you saved me" I admitted.

"Tell me about yourself. I spilled my guts to you".

"There isn't much to tell. Raised by Hydra, lived in your shadow, got taken by you people" I said.

"Not that. I mean personal stuff".

"Fine. My favorite color is blue, and I don't want to kill you anymore" I answered.

"Why are you suddenly interested in getting to know me".

"I guess since we have to live in close proximity I wanted to get to know the people around me".

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