Chapter Five

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"You should go on a date. Harry isn't that hot cousin of you single?" Lizzy says.

We sit on the couch, drinking some tea and eating a cookies. 

"What 'hot cousin'?" Harry asks looking up from his phone. 

"The blonde one, I believe his name is something like James" 

"You think he's hot?" 

"Hell yeah. You got the hotness from his side of the family" 

"Thanks babe" 

"So, this James lad is really hot, and he's 20, I guess. But if you don't like him, his brother is also really hot, and he's 18" Lizzy tells me. 

"Lizz, I'm not here to find someone to date" 

"I know, but dating is fun" 

"If you say so" 

"Yes I do, so you are going on some dates" 

"No, Lizz. I'm not a date person" 

"Look, there goes the fuck I give" she says pointing outside. 


"No Jade. Harry, didn't Jessie have some hot brother?" 

"Stephen, he is already married" Harry asks Lizzy. 

"Oh”Lizz says looking a bit weird, I guess that’s her ‘I am thinking’ face, “Or those Youtube friends from Mazz, those twins”

"Almost all his friends are YouTubers" 

"Jade, you have to make YouTube friends, they are ho-... Good looking" 

"Good girl" Harry says looking back at his phone. 

"Lizzy, stop. I don't want it" I tell her. 

"Common, one date can't hurt" 


Lizzy knows I don't like the relationship stuff. You fall in love, someone screws up, you are heartbroken, and you never see each other again. And when you see each other again, it’s just awkward.

"You won't have to be best friends with him, just one date" Lizzy continues.

"No, I will end up heartbroken, and we will never see each other again" 

"You know Liam and Danielle where best friends, started dating, broke up, and now they are dating again" Harry talks through our conversation. 

"She was probably heartbroken" I say. 

"True, but they worked out well. I mean look at them, they are really cute" 

"I don't need some dude in my life, I can save myself" 

"And what if we would go to the cinema together. Me and Harry, and you with some other dude" Lizzy tries once again. 

"No, Lizzy" 

"Ok, I give up" 



So Harry had to go to the studio and Lizz and I decide to go shopping. We park the car in front of a huge mall, and I know things in the USA are always huge, but this is bigger than 'American huge'. You know, those English 'lads' aren't that ugly, they are actually pretty good looking. 

"Hi Lizzy, can we take a picture with you?" Some random girls asks when we walk into the mall. 

"Oh, sure" Lizzy says. I offer to take the picture, and when they're done they leave while they smile, giggle and whisper.  

"And then you're a celebrity" I say. 

"No, I am not. It's because of Harry"

"And Alex and Olivier" 

"Yeah, but it's more because of Harry. I mean witch teenage girl doesn't know One Direction" 

"I didn't really know them" 

"If you would have lived here, you would. Everyone knows One Direction, the biggest boy band on earth" 


We walk across some store named 'Claires'. I take a look inside, the stuff they have look really cool. We decide to walk into the store. 

"Haha, look at this" Lizzy sort of screams trough the store. 

"What" I say as I walk into her direction. 

"Look at this One Direction stuff" Lizzy says laughing. 


"I'm going to buy this for Harry" 

"Well, I'm going to take a look over there" I say while I walk away. 

Should I buy something for my mum and Nicole? No, why should I, they never bought anything for me when they were gone. I really need them to get them out of my head. I need to clear my past, and make a new begin.


MEEEEEHH, this chapter sucks, just like the writer’s block I have with this story... i need your advice, but I don't want to reveal what's happening in the rest of the story... FML right now :( 


I don't really know what to write here, so I'm just going to write some random words...





akiko (that's my cat)


agapi (other cat)





did I mention Zayn?




Sorry about the Zayn thing... it's just ... Zayn... if he was like really ugly and couldn't sing and wasn't famous I wouldn't have done that... but he isn't really ugly, and he can sing a bit and he is just a little bit famous so.... it's his fault for being all Zayn-ish

bye, I love you for reading this story and if you just read this AN... then you're freacking awesome and there is a little unicorn who's dancing in a pickle pot on your way :) 

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