Chapter Twelve

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I belong to you, you belong to me, you're my sweetheart. I belong to you, you belong to me, you’re my sweet heart” I sing while I make a sandwich.

“Can you be quite, please?” Jade asks while she sits on the little bar thing in my kitchen, looking at her phone.

“Who said le me was singing about le you?”

“Just sush”

“Aaah, cranky Jade is being cute”


“Geez, sorry”


Gosh, Jade, are you having your period or something? Gosh. These last four days have been really nice, but Jade has been a pain in the ass today. Oh well, it’s ok, because it’s Jade, and I like Jade, but still…



It’s been eight years now. Eight years since the car crash. Eight years of being without a dad. Eight years of living with my mum and Nicole. Eight years… I should write my dad a new letter. It’s something I do every year. I keep them in a box, and read them every year and at the end I put the new letter in the box and put it away.

“Jaaadddeeee, why are you so grumpy?” Harry asks me while he pokes my cheek.

“Harry, stop” I say while I hit his hand.

“Common, you can tell me”

“No, Harry, leave me alone” I say, getting up and walking to my room.

“Jade” I hear harry say before I close my door, grab a pen and a paper and start writing.


Dear Dad,

How are you? I’m doing fine, I guess. I’m in London now, with Lizzy and her boyfriend Harry. I have to tell you something. You are going to be mad, and I am so, so, so sorry what I am about to say.

A while ago I was at a party with Harry, his band mates and their girlfriend, and we got a bit drunk. Lizzy went home early, me and Harry came home late. I couldn’t find Lizzy and freaked out, Harry tried to calm me down. To calm me down, he kissed me, and I liked it. The day after it we talked about it and we both agreed we liked it. So now we kind of date behind Lizzy’s back. It doesn’t feel good, because he is Lizzy’s boyfriend and I am her best friend. But yet… it feels also really good to be with Harry.

I know I am disappointing you, and I am so sorry about it. Harry and I decided that when Lizzy comes back from her holiday we would stop doing the ‘Jade-and-Harry’ thing. I hope it will work out, because I really like Harry, but the fact that he is Lizzy’s boyfriend…

Enough about this. I miss you, and I really need you here with me. Mum kicked me out of the house. She sent all my stuff to London, and I don’t really know what to do. I can’t stay here with Lizzy and Harry. I don’t know if I want to stay here in London, or if I want to go back to the USA. I need some dad advice, I need you dad, I really do. I am going to visit you as soon as possible ok?

Bye daddy, I love you. I will always do.


“Jade” Harry tries again while knocking on my door.


“Can you please let me in?”




“Ok, than I will stay here until you open the door for me” I hear Harry placing his butt on the floor, with his back to my door.

“Harry, go away”

“Nope” he says, before he starts singing ‘Stay’ bye Rihanna  


Thank you for waiting so long, for all the votes and all those reads :)

R.I.P. Cory Monteith, you were really awesome in Glee!

Sorry that all these chapters are so short, it makes things easier to write

So as you might notices, I’m back from south france, is was nice but I’m glad to be back!

So I want to congratz Kevin Jonas, with the pregnancy. Stay awesome Kev!

Yes, I’m a jonatic, don’t hate

So I have some 1D ipodcases left, if someone wants to buy one, tell me!

Enjoy your day <3

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