Chapter Eleven

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"Bye, sure you two are not coming?" Lizzy asks us.

She is going to her mum, because her dad is really ill. Harry can't go with her because he has to record some more songs and her parents never liked me, so it's not a great idea to go with her. 

"We're good" Harry says. 

"Hurry, or you will miss you plane" I say opening the door of the cab. 

"Ok, bye" she say getting in and driving away.

Harry and I walk back inside. I close the door and when I turn around I see Harry standing in front of me. He places his hands on each side of me so I can't move. He smiles and kisses me. I lay my hands on his chest while he pulls me close to his body.

 This kissing behind Lizzys back thing has been going on for one and a half week. Every time she was gone, our faces were locked to each other. We both feel bad about the fact that we're having feeling for each other because he is Lizzy's boyfriend and I am her best friend, but we also admit that this Jade and Harry thing feels freaking good. 

"You know that Lizzy would be gone for like a week right now?" Harry says after he pulled away. 

"So that means..." I say. 

"That we could do this all day" Harry presses his lips on mine again.

I lay my hand in his neck and he lifts me up. Every time we kiss I have this weird feeling in my stomach. He makes me smile, he makes me laugh, he makes me feel... Loved. I've never felt this before. I've never felt such strong feeling to be with someone. I never loved someone, until I met Harry. From day one there has been this weird connection between us, a good-weird feeling.



Why am I doing this? Why does this girl make me feel like this? Why don't I love Lizzy like I love Jade? Why does this happen to me? I'm Harry fucking Styles for crying out loud. The bad things happen to other people. Wow wait Harry... Don't think like that, you're also just a normal person who has feeling for someone, or more… 

So this Jade and Harry thing feels damn good, why? I don't know. It's gives me a kind of rush, because I never did something behind someone’s back. The last part doesn't feel good though, because I'm dating Lizzy... AND Jade. I wonder how she feels about this. Or what Lizzy would do if she would find out...



"Harry" I say and look up from my plate full of delicious food. 

"Yes babe" Harry says with a cute smile. 

"This can't go on when Lizzy is back" 

"Why not?" 

"Because you are her boyfriend, and I am her best friend. We're not even supposed to... whatever this is" 

"But Jade..." 

"No Harry, what if Lizzy would find out? She would be devastated" 

"Jade, you know I like you" 

"So? I like you too, a lot, but it's just..." 

"I get it, it's probably the "it's not you, it me" code, or the "I can't date my best friends ex/boyfriend" code"  

"Harry, don't say that" 

"Can't I say it because you are afraid of the truth?" 



"I like you, I really do, but it just doesn't feel right" 

"Do think I feel great about this? NO. I am cheating on my girlfriend with her best friend. Do think that feels right? Well it doesn't feel like you've just won the lottery" 

"HARRY, stop it" 


"Only this week, when Lizzy is back this is done… we are done" 

"Why are you making my life so hard?" 

"I'm sorry but we can't do this when she's back, not again" 

"Ok… I am sorry about what I said" 

"So when she's back we are officially done… well not that we're official... but you get it" 

"Ok, deal" Harry says while we shake hands.

I hate this deal, but it's for the best...


Soooo as some of you may know... I'm going on a vacation so there won't be an update the upcoming Sunday/Wednesday. I'm reallly sorry, but I'll post when I'm back.

I'm going to the south of France to go outdoor climbing, but I really don't want to go, bc it's without my parents, and I get homesick after like 0.1 sec and I want to update (ecpecially PL bc the next chapter is so awesome) but yea....

Well I should go, hope you liked this chapter, see you next week<3

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