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“Hi Jade” I begin and look at her beautiful decorated coffin. “I tried to prepare something, but there is just too much to say. There is no way I could explain my love for you, or excuse for all the things I did. So I decided to sing it, with the boys, if you’re ok with it”

The boys walk towards me and we all sit down on a stool.

“Another day another life

Passes by just like mine

It's not complicated

Another mind

Another soul

Another body to grow old

It's not complicated”

Liam starts while I try to hold my tears back.

“Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?

Float down

Like autumn leaves

Hush now

Close your eyes before the sleep

And your miles away

And yesterday you were here with me”

We all sing the course. It feels like it’s just me, the boys and Jade. I imagine her listening to the song, I see her closing her eyes, moving from side to side on the harmony of our voices and Nialls guitar.

“Another tear

Another cry

Another place for us to die

Its not complicated

Another life that's gone to waste

Another light lost from your face

It's complicated”

“Is it only wonder or do birds still sing for you?

Float down

Like autumn leaves

Hush now

Close your eyes before the sleep

And your miles away

And yesterday you were here with me”

“Ooh how I miss you

My symphony places the song that carries you out

Ooh how I miss you

I miss you and I wish you'd stay”

Zayn starts the bridge, and I see how Jade smiles, how proud she is.

“Is it any wonder that the stars shine out for you?

Float down

Like autumn leaves

Hush now

Close your eyes before the sleep

And your miles away

And yesterday you were here with me”

“Float down

Like autumn leaves

Hush now

Close your eyes before the sleep

And your miles away

And yesterday you were here with me”

“Ooh oh, ooh oh

Ooh oh, ooh oh”

“Touch down

Like a seven four seven

Stay out and we'll live forever now”

I sing the last couple of sentences and feel the tears roll down my cheeks. Jade disappears and I’m back in the auditorium. I feel all eyes on us, but I look down at Jade’s coffin.

“Jade, I love you, I always will, no matter what. I hope that you’re happy up there with your dad, and I’ll see you when I get there. I love you” I say and kiss her coffin.


So that's the official end of FFY....

Thank you all so much for reading/voting, it means a lot to me (:

love you all <3

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