Chapter 29: Mira

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Chapter 29:


>>Mira Summers on the side so you can picture her better

*Song on the side describes how Carter feels when talking about his Mom don't cry*


"OH MY LANA YES!" Genevieve squealed like the lunatic she was on the other end of the line as I flinch from the sound shaking my eardrums. I roll my eyes in an exhausted manner at her incoherent blabbering as I chuckle under my breath. I can practically picture her jumping around with a triumphant fist in the air like she won the Nobel Prize.

"Even on the phone you can make my ears bleed Genevieve." I muttered, removing my phone before making sure there wasn't any red liquid flowing out of my ears. I'm not joking either; I swear I hear bells whenever she's like this. "Seriously, you'd make the best banshee in some horror movie. Ever thought of going to Hollywood? You'd be a star."

"I shall take that as a compliment so thank you very much kind sir." She says in a fake accent that I'm going to assume is supposed to be British, as she giggles at her own childishness. "Hey-wait a second! Don't change the subject here mister! I know there's more details. Spill!"

"Nothing more to tell Eve. I swear." Because If I tell you anymore I'll go deaf, I thought, but I'll keep that part to myself.

"Why don't I believe you?" She hums in a suspicious manner.

"Because you just want to hear more probably." I answer on a calculated guess, and knowing her, I'm right on target. "There's nothing more to say Miss queen of Fandoms, or whatever the heck you refer to yourself as, cause I'm dry of information."

Lies, lies, and more lies, but for the sake of my hearing, I'm not mentioning certain details like a girl on a gossip spree. Please, Genevieve.

It's been like this with us going back and forth for God knows how long in the middle of the night, with neither giving in. After my little slip of unwanted emotions, Eve tries to bring it up a couple of times knowing I'm holding back on information, but since she knows me well enough, she knows not to push too far and take what I'm willing to share. I don't want to worry her more than necessary, and she's done more than enough for me by just being her and taking me away from the reality at the moment.

"You mean to tell me," she starts, sighing on the other end pressed up against my ear as I listen closely. "You two, were alone, like a cheesy freaking movie and nothing over PG-13 happened? What kind of teenage dream is going on there like a sappy Katy Perry music video? Do I need to abandon you two on an island to invent someway of procreating so that I can finally get to the juicy part that includes-"

"And now I'm removing the phone from my ears." I announced, not joking as I set it beside me on the bed without disconnecting.

Now that I didn't need to hear.

"PICK THIS DAMN CHEAP PHONE UP CARTER!" The Banshee demanded loudly as I looked at my phone in bewilderment. I can hear her perfectly even when I set my phone down, well shit. Remind me not to get on her bad side.

"Sorry mother." I apologised mockingly while placing the phone back near my ear. "There's nothing more to say woman. Nothing. What do you want me to do? Say it in Spanish? Nada!"

She grunts in vexation, taking a small moment as if she was thinking of what to say next. "Not even a lip lock!?"

I went quiet in an instant.

One second

Two seconds

Three... Crap say something before she gets suspicious.

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