The Suprise//Jess

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After the silent yet peaceful drive home, me and Sophie arrived at my house like pretty much everyday after school. As I opened the door I felt a small pair of hands wrap around my thighs. I looked down to see my little sister beaming up at me, she was so diddy. I swear she hasn't grown since her 3rd birthday and that was about 3 years ago. "How's the little Princess been today ?" I said as I picked her up from under her arms and let her legs wrap around my hips as I gave her a light squeeze. "Good, I got all my spellings right today!" She smiled very proudly , I swung her over my back and started to tiggle her feet which I know she hates. She began to scream in my ear,so I put her on the floor before she burst my eardrums, "Well aren't you a smart little Princess!" I smiled, ruffling up her hair "HEY!" She giggled before skipping off into her room probably going to play dress up like always! She is so cute. Sometimes.

Me, dad, mum and Rosie are like Sophie's second family. Actually, she doesn't like her real family so we are basically her family. That's why she spends so much time at our house and why she took the modelling job without a second thought. Of course she asked but I think her mum wanted to get rid of her as much as Sophie wanted to leave. Her family never actually wanted Sophie she was a bit of a surprise and they basically treat her as if she was a piece of rubbish on the road. Sophie is so pretty, very intelligent and one of the kindest people I have ever met. I don't understand how anyone could possibly treat her the way they do.They hate her and she hates them and to be honest I don't blame her.All they are, are just some aggressive drug addicts that belong in a prison cell. Anyway because Sophie spends everyday round ours she is so used to coming over, that she had already grabbed snacks and gone upstairs to probably put on a film or watch YouTube.

I put my bag on the floor and slid off my converse before heading in the kitchen to see my mum flicking through a cooking catalogue. My mum is a chef and in her spare time she likes to look through recipe books and magazines to see what new ideas pop into her head or what she could make for dinner for us to try one night. "Hey lovely," she said looking up at me and shutting her book "good last day at school?" I grabbed a Penguin from the sweet cupboard and sat down at the breakfast bar next to my mum. "It was just the usual boring lessons and the normal crap teachers." I said ending my sentence with a deep sigh remembering last lesson, "Well at least you don't have to go back!" Mum said smiling at me, "yeah at least that's the good thing," I smiled "Anyway, any luck job hunting or looking at Uni's?" She asked, my mum always wanted to go to University but didn't have the chance because she had me. So she doesn't want me to miss out on the opportunities that she had missed out on."Yes actually, well job hunting, I didn't even look at  Uni's because you know I don't want to go to University." I looked at her before she huffed and rolled her eyes slightly which made me smile " I found a job internship in London as a photographer where there is a good safe neighbour hood and is close enough to be able to visit home at the weekends."

As I am mums first bird to fly the nest, she can't really get her head around the fact that I am moving.If it was up to her I don't think I would ever be able to leave home,EVER. "Good ! Never ever forget about making time for your family even when you move out ok?" She said as we both giggled "Yes mum don't worry I will always make time for you and I will always be your baby girl" I said kissing her on the forehead before she laughed and tapped me on the shoulder "Go on, go watch a film or some YouTube crap with Sophie!" I laughed "Yes your majesty," I said before curtsying and running towards the stairs, " oh by the way YouTube is definitely the opposite of crap and also don't bother making me and Soph dinner we will probably order Pizza or something." My mum gave a slight giggle, "Whatever you say, I am not going to argue with you and ok I won't." I laughed and ran up the stairs almost out of breath by the time I reached the top, I really do wish running out of Pizza counted as Cardio (MoreZoella Refrence 😉 X )

As I turned the door knob I could here the usual voice of Marcus's Helloooooo coming from inside my room, "Of course you have put Marcus on!" I huffed and gave a slight giggle which made her smile. "Come on lets watch something else, not because I don't love Marcus but I could probably recite this video word for word." I snatched the laptop off her and clicked onto the search bar."NOOO!" she screamed at me before we both fell into a pit of laughter. "Fine you can have your Marcus back!" I laughed knowing their was no point in me trying to win an argument against Sophie especially when it comes to YouTubers. "I am gonna order some pizza do you just want to go half and half?" she shook her head, "We had pizza last night...OH I KNOW!" she always get so excited when it comes to food "I really really really feel like a good old curry!" I haven't had a curry in ages and that doesn't sound like a bad offer."Okay, do you want a Tikma Masala?" I asked as her eyes light up "Yes,OH AND NAN BREAD AND POPPADOMS!" She shouted, I put my finger to my lips "Shhh...your...shouting!" I say between laughs.

I jumped off the bed and opened my chest of drawers, I took off my tight jeans and black lace cropped top, I then slipped on my jogging bottoms and my baggy top that came just over the knee, I tucked the top in and grabbed my phone off the charger dialling the number of the Indian. After ordering our food I had to wait about 20 minutes before I could go and pick it up.
"So what is up first on our agenda for the best summer ever ?" I asked whilst grabbing the softest blanket in the world and wrapping it around me to make myself look like a burrito . Sophie being Sophie began to find my appearance hysterical and began to laugh. Well I say laugh it was more of a cackle then a laugh but what ever it was, it was a strange noise . "Not 100% sure yet but I know at some point tomorrow you have to come help me do some shopping!" If there is one thing I know about this peculiar creature, it is that she loves shopping but she just doesn't like company so her request made my mouth open wide "But..." I began but got interrupted by my phone before I could ask my question. I clicked the green answer button. "Your order is ready to be collected Miss Mann" it was the Indian restaurant "Okay, I will leave now, be there in a second" With this I put my slippers on and grabbed my coat , so what if I wore my slippers out I don't care and I don't think anyone else does either to be completely honest.

I jumped in my car and started driving down the road, once I got to the Indian it was pretty much empty so all I had to do was go to the counter and give them my money. I was greeted by a rather large bag which gave off the most heavenly smell! I forgot how much I love curry. I walked out of the restaurant and headed back home. Once I had grabbed the cutlery, plates and both of us a drink I headed back upstairs to find Sophie alseep snoring rather loudly. I tapped her on the shoulder lightly. Nothing. I done it again but a bit rougher. Nothing yet again. I slapped her arm. She moved slightly but still didn't wake up. I then began to shake her and she began to stir meaning she is waking up... slowly. "If you don't wake up and come get your food I am going to eat it myself !" I hear her growl as she turns over "Fine I am up, I am up!" She raises her hands in surrender. "Good because I don't think I could have managed all this food by myself!" I laugh under my breath but Sophie is still half asleep and is completely blocking out all recognition of her being there.

"Anyway, Why do you even want me to go shopping with you ?" I asked rendering our conversation before I had left. "Because we need clothes for are trip! Have you already forgot?" She asks sarcastically laughing "What trip ?" Her mouth then falls into an 'o' as I am still sitting here with no idea what's he was on about "Uhh.... I forgot to tell you that we are kind of going djdhejsb " That is all I actually heard " Where are we going? I didn't quite hear you." I asked still very confused "You know my little surprise for you?" She asks looking at me she is suddenly back to her normal self and is very excited. I nod in agreement "Well it isn't that small but I wanted to make this the best summer ever so I kind of got us tickets to go to America !!" I squealed and jumped off the bed nearly spilling my curry everywhere. We started jumping up and down like 5 year olds.

"Oh and by the way to make it extra exciting and special and to make me the best friend in the entire world..." She said smiling, I nodded my head wanting to know how in the world she could do anything better then taking me to America which was a massive shock "We are going to VidCon!!"

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