Virgins & Mile High Clubs // Jess

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*None of this stuff 'Joe' says is true, I made it up for the story so don't stress and get all judgemental because its just made up*

We ended up talking about me for about 2 hours and Joe actually looked interested. Not like he was faking it, not just nodding every now and then, he seemed to actually care and he would ask questions every now and then , "Anyway enough about me, lets talk about you....who is the man behind 'ThatcherJoe' ?" I asked giggling at how strange it sounded to call him by his YouTube name. "Well to be honest you know everything about me, I share my whole life with the Internet!" I sighed "Come on! You don't share everything online you have to have a lot you hide from your fans, like girlfriends for instance!"

"Ok how about you ask me questions and I have to answer truthfully?" I clapped my hands together in excitement, "Okay but you can't lie and you have to answer every question no matter what." I put my hand out "Deal?" He nodded his head "Deal."

"Have you ever been in a Mile High club?"

"Yea, but only to get Caspar out."

"WAIT! Caspar was in a mile high club!?" I sat there my mouth wide open, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, he would kill me if I told you but hey ho, basically he just broke up with Gabby because she was cheating and.."

"Wait what!? Gabby cheated on Caspar?"

"Yeah, she did but anyway he went in there because he was frustrated...sexually...." He mumbled the last part and I couldn't help but laugh. When I realised what I had done I clamped my hand over my mouth. "Sorry carry on.."

"And he went to relieve some....stress.....but he was becoming uncontrollable so I had to go and pick him up."

"Moving swiftly on.....Did you really loose your virginity on a plane?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You said it during a collab with Joe,Will and Oli ," I stated beginning to turn red at how much I payed attention to this person who didn't even know I existed until now.

"Oh yeah, that was actually true but it actually wasn't with an air hostess."

"Ooooo. Who was it with?"

"Well there was this really fit girl sitting next to me and basically she was flirting with me one minute and then being cocky the next and she started to get closer and closer until her hands were .... Uh.... Like on me and yeah it kind of lead on from there." He explained going red at how embarrassed he was,

"Ok I don't want to know any more, I am happy to still be a virgin to be honest." I giggled, "Any..." I was going to carry on before I got interrupted.

"What do u mean your still a virgin! No way is a girl as pretty as you and as sweet as you a virgin, I am pretty sure guys at all over you!"

I shook my head, "not really and anyway I am waiting for the right cringey as that is!"

"Aww I think it's cute." He winked, "anyway, NEXT QUESTION!"

"Okay?.... Oh I know, have you ever hooked up with a fan?"

"Maybe...." He smirked before turning red yet again.

"Joseph Graham Sugg! You player!!" I yelled hitting his arm before he put his finger to his lips, signalling for me to quieten down seen as I yelling.

"Sorry," I giggled lowering my voice, "Who would you go gay for?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows making Joe laugh beside me. "Ummm... Idk,  Zac Efron?"

"No it has to be someone you know!" "Fine, probably Caspar because he is my best friend..."

"I knew it JASPAR IS REAL!" I stood up in my seat before Joe pulled my sleeve indicating for me to sit down. "Shhh Jaspar is not real because I am not gay! " He laughed again, his smile making me weak at the knees. "Are you not? You certainly act like it sometimes, the amount of Jaspar moments there are.... You might as well be a couple!"

"Right! Stop there!" He said putting his hand in the air "Okay going off topic now but Fuck, Marry Kill..."

"I hate these questions; I never get good ones!" He sighed harshly

"Okay we will start fairly easy, Mila Kunis, Beyoncé and Jennifer Aniston"

"Fine, I would avoid Jennifer Aniston..."

"I need a reason Suggy,"

"because she is really old now. I would fuck Beyoncé because how cool would it be to be able to say you fucked Beyoncé.... And marry Mila Kunis."

"Wouldn't you want to fuck Mila Kunis though?"

"Yeah but being married means you do that anyway." He laughed as if it was a dumb question.

"Ok your turn, Me, Caspar and......." He looked outside the window as if he was searching for answers,"Oli."

"Avoid Oli because I could use you and Caspar for followers," I giggled as I saw Joe's offended reaction, "Fuck Caspar because I think he would make a very very bad husband and then that means I have to marry you...." I scrunched up my nose as if to show my 'affection' towards him.

"Ok ask me another, I like this game!" He laughed practically jumping up and down in his seat.

"Ok Caspar, Josh and Me," I asked slightly smirking.

"HEY ! I didn't give you any girls!" His sudden happiness turning into annoyance.

"Well you missed a trick didn't you,"

"Ok I would avoid Josh because just he is too ginger..."

I slapped him making him jump at my sudden out burst.

"What was THAT FOR!?"

"My best friend is ginger!"

"Maybe she could hook up with Josh while we are in LA?"

"No she likes Caspar... Like loves him."

"Ooo,ok I will be back in a sec I just need to go to the toilet real quick" He said standing up and walking off.

I tried to take everything in. I was sitting on a plane next to one of my idols and not to mention one of the most good looking people I have ever seen in my whole life. When he looked at me, as cheesy at is was, he gave me this feeling like I had never felt before. His voice gave me goosebumps all over my skin.

"Jess...." I looked up from outside the window as Joe began talking to be greeted by another familiar face belonging to the one and only Caspar Lee.

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