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once again, mature themes!


I see a man with bleach-blonde hair and blue-green eyes. I instantly shy away behind Andy. I hear him begin to speak.

"Is there any way Pete could get a woman volunteer?" Andy tries. Halsey must shake her head.

"I'm afraid not, sir, but I can assure you that he'll warm up to Patrick quickly. Patrick's an amazing man and is very good with victims," Halsey explains. I feel Andy nod, and he must reach out to shake Patrick's hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Patrick," I feel Andy's body shake starting at one of his arms.

"Andy, basically Pete's brother. And Pete is hiding behind me," Andy says. Patrick laughs, and Andy doesn't have to tell Patrick to get on his knees. It seems as if he already knows.

Patrick stays a good five feet away from me but begins to speak. "Hello, Pete, my name is Patrick Stump," He reaches his hand out for me to shake. Instead, I shy away and drop my head. "That's perfectly okay, Pete. I understand," Patrick smiles at me with very white, straight teeth.

"I like him," I hear Andy mumble to Halsey, who nods.

"Right?" She says. Patrick sits back on his knees and smiles at me again, probably trying to get me to smile back.

"How about I show you to your room? Andy can come also," He suggests, and I nod. Andy holds my hand as we walk with Patrick. Halsey stayed back to do my paperwork.

We follow behind Patrick, who is smiling at people we pass. Every one of them smiles back.

"And here we are," Patrick says cheerfully. He unlocks the door and lets me in. "There's your bed, my bed, the door that leads to the bathroom, a television, a couch, and a kitchen area," Patrick says as he points things out.

"Do you like it?" Andy asks me. I nod, and Patrick smiles. "Do you want me to go so you can speak with Patrick alone?" I shake my head quickly.

"That's perfectly fine, Pete. I'll make dinner. What would you like?" I say nothing to Patrick. Andy answers for me.

"He likes pizza," He says. I nod. Patrick smiles again.

"Alright," Patrick turns around and begins to dig through the cabinet. Andy and I take a seat on the couch.

"What would you like to watch?" Patrick asks from the counter, tossing the remote to Andy, who catches it with ease.

Andy sighs, knowing I'm not going to say anything while Patrick's around. "Is TLC okay with you, buddy?" He asks. I nod.

When Andy changes the channel, he lets his arm rest behind my head as his fingers play with the hair on my neck. He knows that's my weak spot. Patrick is cooking up a storm about twenty feet away from us.

I lie my head on Andy's shoulder, and I'm out cold within two and a half minutes.


"Pete," Someone whispers from a few feet away from me. They shake my shoulder gently, and I jolt upright, crawling to the corner of my bed away from Patrick.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't hurt me," I rush out. Patrick's eyes widen as he shakes his head.

"No, no, Pete, I'm sorry. It's perfectly fine, okay? You can do whatever you want. I'm not going to hurt you," Patrick assures me. I look around the room, and Andy's gone.

"W-Where's Andy?" I ask, my breathing becoming erratic. Patrick looks worried for me.

"He just stepped in the bathroom," Patrick tells me. Sure enough, I hear the toilet flush and the water run, and then Andy comes out of the bathroom.

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