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"Pete, I really don't think we should look at the news," Patrick says and tries to pull the remote out of my hand. I shake my head and pout.

"I just want to look at the weather," I say. Patrick sighs and lets go of the remote. I smile and kiss his cheek before moving back to a respectable distance.

I change the channel, and the first thing that pops up scares the literal shit out of me. It reads 'Prisoners Escape,' and then there's people talking about it.

"The gang, said to be made of Samuel Sanders, Phillip Greene, Aaron James, and Nathan Johnson, has been seen in the Chicago area," Patrick's eyes go wide, and I drop the remote.

"Pete, I didn't want you to see this," He says. He grabs the remote and turns yet television off.

"Patrick, he's gonna get me," I say, and then I tug at my hair. Patrick
places his hand on my shoulder and turns me to face him.

"Listen to me, he will never touch you again if I have to put my life in danger to save yours," His finger goes up and traces my jaw. "I promise,"

I feel a few tears falling down my cheeks, and Patrick looks at me like he wants to hug me. But he stays back until I throw my arms around his neck and pull him in. He hugs my middle and lets me place my head on his shoulder.

"You're gonna be fine," He says. One of his hands plays with some of the hair on the back of my head. "He won't get within twenty feet of you, Pete,"

We stay in that position for probably ten more minutes until there's a knock on our open door. Andy and Joe stand there, Andy's mouth dropped open.

"He hugged you?" Andy asks unbelievably. Patrick laughs, and since I'm still hugging him, his whole body shakes and sends shivers down my back.

"Yeah, I guess we've mad a lot of progress since you left three days ago," I say. Andy sits on the coffee table in front of us, and I finally pull away from Patrick. Joe stands kind of awkwardly.

I swallow and take a deep breath. Just smile and shake his hand. Your best friend likes him, so should you.

"Hi, Joe, I'm Pete," I say finally. Andy's eyes widen, and so do Joe's. Patrick smiles smugly at me.

When I hold out my hand, Joe smiles and walks closer to me to shake it. His hands are really warm and big. I pull away after a second.

"Patrick, this is Joe, my boyfriend," Andy says. Joe and Patrick lock eyes and share a laugh. "What's funny?"

"I've known Patrick since I was a third grader, and he was my six grade big brother," Joe explains. "He had this outrageous Irish accent, and it was so cool,"

"I'd just moved there," Patrick cuts in, since Andy doesn't know about his past.

"I'm so lost. You're Irish?" Andy asks. I nod.

"Patrick was adopted. That's why his voice is deep and kinda weird," I say, and Patrick kind of bumps my shoulder with his.

"When I drink, which is very rare, I sound like I moved literally yesterday. My accent thinkens," Andy nods, finally understanding.

"Okay, back to why I'm here and why I brought Joey," Andy says. "Nathan escaped," He says, and his grip on the coffee table tightens.

"So you guys are going to protect me?" I ask. Andy nods.

"Pete, if he comes anywhere near you, I'll kill him," Andy promises. I hug him.

"We have your back," Patrick says, and Andy smiles at him. Patrick and I kind of snuggle on the couch, while Andy and Joe move the coffee table and lie down there.

I'm pretty sure they're kissing, which is really awkward because, seriously, that's gross. Well, not really because they're both very attractive.

Halsey comes running into the room, and shuts our door behind her, turning off the light and then the television. Andy and Joe jump up and help her barricade the door.

"Guys, we need to talk," Halsey says. We all sit on Patrick's bed, and she's starts talking. "The target of the gang is the hospital. After finding out who belongs to the gang, everyone has barricaded their doors and is preparing for the worst,"

"Holy shit," I say, running my hands through my hair. Patrick bites his lip and shakes his head.

"Andy, Joe, I need you to promise me something," Patrick says. Andy turns towards him, as does Joe. "Promise me you'll protect Pete if something happens to me,"

"Patrick, stop," Andy says. Joe puts his hand on Patrick's shoulder.

"No, promise me. If he gets in here, you're going to let me take him," Patrick tells them. Andy finally nods, and Joe's jaw clenches.

"Patrick, if you get hurt, I'll never forgive myself," Andy says. Patrick shakes his head.

"No, you won't. Just know that I'm hard-headed, and it's my fault," Patrick says. I grab Patrick's cheek and turn him towards me.

We hear a door get kicked down, or maybe it's a gunshot. We're too far away to tell.

"Patrick," I finally say. His hand comes up on the back of my neck.

"What do you need, Pete?" He asks, rubbing my neck. I take a deep breath.

When I let it out, I say, "I need you to kiss me. Please,"

Patrick doesn't waste another second, leaning in and kissing me. Another door gets kicked down, but I just tangle my hands in his hair and let him kiss me with everything in him.

When his tongue slips into my mouth, a door closer to us is kicked down. His hands move down my back to my sides and then my ass. He squeezes once and then pulls away.

"Pete, look at me. If I die, I want you to know something," Patrick says. I look him in the eyes.

"Patrick, you aren't going to die," I swear, and he just smiles.

"I love you," And then our door is kicked at and then pushed. When everything is finally out of the way, Nathan comes in.

I shut my eyes tight, trying to imagine I'm somewhere else.

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