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It doesn't work. I open my eyes, and Patrick gets punched in the face. He spits out some blood and then goes back at Nathan.

Patrick gets a hard punch in to his jaw and then his stomach. Nathan falls to the ground, and Patrick kicks him in the groin. Another guy comes in, and he has curly brown hair with blue streaks in it.

He comes after Patrick, but Patrick catches his fist and flips him. The guy's back hits the ground hard, and he doesn't move.

The last guy that comes in has red hair and bright blue eyes. Patrick stops in his tracks as the guy smiles at him.

"Been a long time, Pattycakes," He smiles. Patrick lets out a whimper as the guy moves Patrick's hair out of his face.

"Don't touch me, Luke," Patrick says. He grabs Luke's arm and tightens his grip. Luke's face twists in pain the harder Patrick grips his wrist.

He finally falls to the ground, and Patrick kicks his chest hard. He continues to kick his chest repeatedly. I bury my face in Halsey's neck, praying that Patrick stops before he kills the guy.

When I open my eyes again, there's cops coming in. Patrick's covered in blood, breathing hard as he watches the officers come in. One of the officers bends down and checks Luke's pulse, dragging a finger across his neck.

I begin to cry into Halsey's chest. Patrick is the monster I thought he was. When he tries to approach me, I tighten my grip on Halsey's neck, and she shakes her head at Patrick.

Patrick must walk away to get the blood wiped off of his face or maybe to kill someone else. I don't really care at the moment.

The next person that approaches me; a woman police officer, the same one from the day Nathan got arrested, She escorts me down to the opposite end of the hospital. I'm admitted into a room, and they give me some kind of sedatives.

They make me feel kind of dizzy and woozy until I lie down. As soon as I lie down, my vision starts to go blurry.

The last thing I remember is Andy sitting in the chair next to my bed.


When I wake up, Patrick is asleep in the chair next to me. I scream, and he jolts up, backing away from me.

"Pete, what's wrong?" He asks. I continue to scream my head off as he backs up more. "Pete, stop, please. Tell me what's wrong,"

"I'm afraid of you! Is that what you wanted to hear?" I yell. He shakes his head gently.

"Pete, I love you. You know that. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone," He tries. I shake my head violently and scream again.

"You're a monster! You kill people!" I yell, closing my eyes tight. Andy comes running in the room.

"What's wrong?" He asks frantically. I point at Patrick.

"Get that monster away from me!" I command. Andy sighs, and Joe comes in and grabs Patrick's hand, pulling him out of the room.

"I love you," He whispers as he's being dragged out. Andy sits in the chair he was sitting in at first.

"Pete," He says softly, "Patrick isn't a monster. He's in love with you,"

"Everyone's against me," I say suddenly. Andy shakes his head.

"No, buddy, I'm on your side,"

"No one believed me when I said Nathan was a monster until I came up with bruises," I say. "I tried to tell people. No one believed me, called me crazy and attention-seeking,"

"Oh, Pete," Andy says and pulls me in for a hug. "You will never know how sorry I am for not noticing,"

"Now they won't listen when I say Patrick is one," I finish. Andy sighs and shakes his head again.

"Pete, Patrick dated a monster," Andy explains. "That's the man he killed. He might've gone a little overboard, but the man almost took Patrick's life not thirteen years ago,"

"That's no excuse!" I accuse. Andy drops his head.

"Pete, he loves you. He loves you more than anything in this world. I just wish you could see it like the rest of us," Andy says.

"What kind of animal kills someone, Andy?" I ask. Andy's hands retract from my face and go to his hair.

"Think about it, Pete. Patrick's Nathan is Lucas, the man that was killed tonight. You're telling me that if you had the chance to kill Nathan, you wouldn't do it?"

"I haven't thought about it that way," I say honestly. Andy kind of smiles at me.

"Before you judge and hate him, put yourself in his shoes. Let me know when you want to speak to Patrick, okay? Take your time, and think this out. No one is mad at you," Andy reassures. I nod.

Andy walks out of the room, leaving me to think. Andy does have a good point, I probably would've killed Nathan if I was physically capable to.

So it really doesn't make Patrick a bad person to hurt someone that hurt him, does it? I've read some things about turning the other cheek and letting them hit you there harder.

But if Patrick got hit harder than he did as a teenager, he'd die. So I guess I could either end up being in love with a murderer or a dead man.

I guess the term murderer doesn't really count since it was self-defence. I think if the guy would've just come in and not touched Patrick, Patrick wouldn't have killed him.

Patrick isn't the type of person to do that sort of thing, and I'm realising that about fifteen minutes too late. I yell for Andy to get Patrick.

When Patrick comes in about two and a half minutes later, all I can do is stare into his beautiful eyes and lose myself. He doesn't say a word, probably waiting for me to make the first move.

I take a deep breath and say..


punishing myself for accidentally posting this chap earlier by giving you guys a cliffhanger.

that really isn't fair, is it?

oh well.

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