Am I ready for this?

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Leenna’s Pov

                “I don’t know if I can help you about your problem.” Anna said, while combing my hair softly. I faced her and looked her in the eye. She seems really worried about me. “It’s the only way to make me happy!” I said. I bet she just wanted to help me but she just can’t, she’s this type of girl that always wanted to help her cousin but she just can’t do it.

                Well I just asked her to make me happy by seeing Gerard everyday. Not the way I see him with my posters at my room. I mean seeing him everywhere I go. I think that’s the only way that will make me happy.

                I hugged her and cried at her, I’m sure for what am I thinking right now. And I want it. “Okay. Let’s see what I can do” she said. I stopped hugging her and tilted my head up so I can face her. I saw her smiling at me so I just smiled back. “So please don’t cry.” She said. I gave her my best loving smile I could ever give to her. “Promise” I promised, I raised my hand and swear to god. I also crossed my heart and smiled at her.

                “Are you sure you want to do this?” Anna asked me. Duh! If I’m not sure about it, I wouldn’t be telling that to her. I just gave her my glare, “Okie! I know you’re sure bout it!” she said while searching some books underneath her bed. She pulled out this huge big black book, I haven’t seen it before but I bet it’s more magical than any book she had.

                She opened random pages and pointing some words that I don’t really understand. She stopped at this page where it has a creepy drawing of a boy and a girl. They both had open mouths wide, where smokes are coming out through it. It actually freaks me out. It’s really creepy, the language around it is so really frustrating me.

                “Well…..” I spoke to break the silence coz its fucking freaks me out, “You sure about this right?” she asked me again. “Duh?” I said. “Well… we’re going to do this midnight… is that alright?” Anna asked me. I came closer to her and hugged her. “It’s okay.” I said while hugging her tightly.


                So, here I am sitting inside this creepy circle drawn on the floor inside my room. I am surrounded by black and red candles. While Anna is reading her creepy book, suddenly she turned her looks at me. she came closer to me and studied my face. “You had a wound there this morning right?” she said pointing on my lips which already had a scar because of my dad. “Yup. Why?” I asked her, touching my scar and I can still feel how much it hurts. “Nothing, I just wish Gerard had a scar.” Anna said while getting back at her position before. “What if he doesn’t have a scar?” I asked. I’m worried, maybe it became a problem and I just died. “I don’t know… nothings written here.” Anna said pointing all the words on the book. I knew it.

                I’m starting to become worried and all, what if I died, or maybe trapped in hell, or trapped somewhere else, there’s so many questions in my mind that I never thought before. I want to give up now. But I think it’s too late. I need to be ready for what ever may be happened to me.

                “Are you ready?” Anna break all the silence around my room, that question made me shiver. Am I ready? I don’t know, I guess I am but I don’t even now if I want this or what.

                Suddenly we heard the clock and it means that it’s already 12 in the mid night. Anna looked at me and she looked so sorry about me. After that she started saying those creepy words on the book. She started doing finger signs and all. I get so bored so while I’m seeing her like that, the next thing I know is I’m actually sleeping.

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