Chapte 3. Here's daddy

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(Edwards POV)

I can't believe Bella would threaten Alice like that it wasn't like her, she stomped over with that Luke boy, I glared at him most people would be afraid when I glared but he just glared back, and sat next to Bella and to piss me of he wrapped his arm around Bella and held her close, she sighed and leaned into him.

"Wanna tell me why you were hurting il mio fratellino?!?" Bella demanded leaning forward and narrowing her eyes at Alice.

"What does that mean?" Alice asked.

"It's Italian for my little brother"

"I didn't know you had a brother" Alice said in defence.

"Me nether, I never saw anything about a son in Charlie's mind" I chimed in, Luke glared at me and I saw Bella squeeze his hand.

"That's because Charlie doesn't have children, he always wanted them poor guy" her voice was full of empathy.

"But your Charlie's daughter" Emmett protested, Bella smiled warmly at him, he was the only one she wasn't pissed at for some reason.

"Oh... Emmett I thought you would have figured it out by now Charlie is my protector not my father"

"What do you need a protector for?" Alice looks confused "you have us" if looks could kill Alice would be dead twenty times over with the look Bella was giving her.

"You mean the people who left me alone in a forest when someone is trying to murder me?" She ask and we look down in shame.

"Bella we're so..."

"No! You have no right to say your sorry I was going to tell you guys the biggest secret of my life but then you all left me there now you don't deserve to know!" She stood and grabbed Luke's hand then Nico's and Nico grabbed Will and they ran off.

(Bella's POV)

As we were running I stopped and stared at someone standing across the street Nico saw who it was and gasped.

"Get them out of here Nico I'll meet you back at camp" I told them Luke looked like he was going to protest but I kissed him on the lips and held him close when we parted I looked at him "please go with them I'll meet you there I promise" I slightly shoved him "now go" Nico laughed and grabbed his arm.

"We'll take care of him" he promised and I smiled "come on lover boy this way"  I watched them go until I couldn't see them anymore then I turned to the man across the street and took a deep breath I started walking across the street before I could lose my nerve I stood next to the man and he turned and faced me.

"Hello Bella" a sly smile appeared on his face I smiled warmly.

"Hi daddy"

"Hello Bella Boo" a women's voice spoke it was my dads wife Persephone she's always liked me probably because I was always nice to her and did small jobs for her when she asked.

"Hey momma P" replied I'd always called her momma P, since we both didn't feel comfortable with me calling her mom, she leaned down from the chariot and hugged me, since she couldn't leave the underworld so when dad went places and wanted her to go she had to stay in the chariot.

"Bella we're here because your father has something important to tell you" Persephone had fear, worry and determination in her eyes I nodded and turned to my father.

"I regret to tell you but souls are going missing from the underworld and I have no idea where they are going" I gasped and my father held up his hand to let him continue I nodded "among the few are, Selina, Beckendorf, Ethan, Zoë, Phoebe and I regret to say your mother"

"Mommy?" I ask in shock I didn't know here very well but I'm still upset she's missing, father nodded solemnly Persephone gave me a sympathetic look she didn't like my mother but she didn't like dad or me to be upset.

"It gets worse" Persephone warned.

"How could it be worse?!" I wailed she gave me a kind look.

"Bianca" dad whispered.

"No!" I yelled "No! You laying!" I felt myself being pushed behind someone all I could see was someone's back and hear growling.

"What did you do to her?!" Edwards voice ringed in my ears.

"Step away from her Sparkles!" Dad demanded growing angry I sensed Edwards surprise.

"Your the one who made her cry!" He recovered from his shock, my dad smiled his famous evil smile that made Persephone chuckle and my snigger, my dad suddenly disappeared and appears behind me grabs me and appears back in his original place with me in his arms like a little baby he placed me in the chariot and Persephone pulled the hood of her clock down and wrapped an arm around me the guys gasped I'll admit my stepmother is very beautiful she has long caramel brown hair that she always keeps piled on top of her head she has warm brow eyes that could bring any man to his knees, she smiled her smile was the opposite of my fathers instead of evil and sinister hers was warm and kind.

"Do you gentlemen have a problem with my husband? And his daughter?" She asked everyone gasped.

"Your Bella's mother?" Esme asked I looked around and saw the rest of the Cullen's, they looked shocked and in awe at my parents.

"No, dear I'm her stepmother" she smiled at Esme and Esme smiled back, Persephone stood and turned to my father, "my King Hades" she called "may I exit the chariot and assist you?" She asked formally.

"Persephone my queen, of course you may exit and assist me" my father replied with equal formality, they had to ask and answer this way it was the only way my stepmom could exit the chariot without dying, she stood and I stood with her she turned and faced me she snapped her fingers and my clothes changed, until I was wearing a black Greek dress with a gold belt and black roman sandals my hair was curled to perfection and looked like waves.

"Bella you look amazing" Alice squealed and Rosalie nodded eagerly.

"She does doesn't she?" Momma P asked excitedly.

"Let me guess lady Aphrodite helped you pick this out?" I raised an eyebrow at my stepmother she gave me knowing look, I looked at Edward and burst out laughing his jaw was in the floor the others looked at him and joined in laughing momma P chuckled and so did dad, before he figured out where exactly Edward was looking, he looked ready to kill him.

"Father" I placed my hand on his shoulder and he visually relaxed and kissed my hand.

"You may go home my dear they will not find you there" he promised i nodded and kissed his cheek, momma P put my normal clothes back on.

"What was the point in that?" I asked her she smirked.

"I may be old but it's good to have fun a little once in a while" she laughed and I hugged her.

"Bye momma P, bye daddy"

"Goodbye my dear" momma P hugged me again.

"Safe journey home my little angel of death" father kissed my cheek then I ran towards a shadow next to a building I heard the Cullen's scream and Esme called out.

"Bella no!" But before any of them could stop me I dissolved into the shadows.

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