Chapter 5. The unexpected demigod's, and an old friend

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Hey guys it's Katie since it's Christmas I won't be updating so this is your present, merry Christmas and if you don't celebrate it well... happy random Friday.

(Bella's POV)

I sat in the front row by the window Edward started towards me but Jasper and Alice intercepted.

"Hey Bells!" Alice chirped excitedly.

"Hey Alice, hi Jasper" I replied.

"Evening ma'am" he replied in his western accent.

"What can I help you with?" I ask.

"Can we sit and talk?" Her smile was really big, and I glanced back at Edward who looked at me expectingly, he thought I would say no and ask him to sit next to me.

"Sure and about what?" I smiled innocently at Edward who looked ready to kill Jasper and sit in his place.

"Bella what happened to you?" Alice asked I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Your different more comfortable in your own skin now"

"Is that a bad thing?" I tilted my head to the side.

"No!" She said quickly so she wouldn't upset me "it's just you used to be so shy and uncomfortable around anyone but us, what happened?"

"Alice I don't want you to think I don't care about you because I do I care about all of you" I decided to address everyone they'd be listening anyway "I was sent to Forks by my trainer on a mission to befriend you guys and see if you were a threat or not, I wasn't pretending to be your friend I really was and I still am but Alice your party was staged to wrong" I turned to Jasper "I'm really sorry I had to do that to you but I had no choice, it was ether that or I'd have to fake my death and I couldn't do that to you" I paused "I really am sorry Jasper I got you something though I took it from the attic from camp" I took something out of my bag it was wrapped in cloth, I handed it to him,  he unwrapped it and gasped he looked at me.

"How did you get this?" He asked.

"At my camp there's an attic where we keep... spoils of war you could say, to show what we've lived though how we've survived"

"What is it?" Emmett asked.

"Something I thought was gone forever" Jasper lifted the object out of the cloth.

"It's a gun?"

"It was mine from the war I thought it was destroyed or taken by humans" he gazed at the small gun in amazement he turned to me "thank you"

"Your more than welcome" what happened next shocked me Jasper hugged  me and I hugged him back.

"I still don't understand" Esme chimed in "why would someone send a 17 year old girl to investigate vampires that could hurt her?" I smiled gently at her.

"Esme it's sweet for you to worry about me but I've trained most of my life, dangers hardwired into my DNA"

"What do you mean?" Carlisle asked.

"I come from a place that trains you to be a warrior, a soldier, a hero if you will"

"What is this place?" Alice asked.

"A safe place for my kind, a place that protects us from those that live for our death"

"How are you aloud to leave!?" Edward demanded "if it's dangerous to leave why did your trainer let you leave"

Bella Di Angelo daughter of Hades.Where stories live. Discover now