Chapter Two: Bow Gun?

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"We will head out in the morning!" Rick announced to the Group. A blonde girl came and whispered to Daryl and they both looked at me. I hated being the center of attention. It was getting Dark and I headed to the tent Shane told me to sleep in. It had two cots and sleeping bags set up. I laid down in the middle, not wanting to move everyones stuff. I knew this was Daryl's tent so I guess the other bed was his brothers. I sat up and opened my bag. There was a change of clothes, some water, a family photo, Ika and my coloring stuff. I took out my crayons and paper. I started to draw. I loved to draw, it was a way for me to talk without talking, it kept me quiet so I didn't annoy people. I heard the tent unzip. It was the Bow Man. He looked at me then sat on his bed, throwing the bow gun by his feet. I stared at the Bow gun. I never seen one before. It was big and it had arrows with red and yellow feathers.

"Whatcha lookin at?" Daryl growled. I looked down and went back to drawing. He sat up and faced me. I felt his stare. I looked up and his blue eyes were looking at me, trying to figure me out I think.

"Do you like to draw?" I asked him. I handed him paper and a crayon. He sighed and took it and started to draw. I started a new one.

"Im sorry about your brother what is he like?" I asked him. Trying so hard not to talk too much again.

"He's an ass." Daryl replied, still coloring.



"That's a swear word." I giggled. He rolled his eyes and I finished my drawing. I handed it to him. "It's your Bow Gun and Arrows." I told him and he started laughing.

"Bow Gun? It is a crossbow." 

"Oh, I never seen one before." He handed it to me to hold. I held it and it was heavy and I almost dropped it, making him laugh more. "It is really heavy, how do you hold it?" I asked him, trying to use all my might to hold it. It was hard to since it was so big.

"Ya gotta be strong." He said and took it out of my arms. I started to yawn so i put my stuff back and used my bag as a pillow.

"What are you doin?"

"Going to sleep silly."

"There is a bed right there." I shook my head.

"That's your brother's. I don't want to move his stuff." I curled up around Ika and closed my eyes. I then felt someone pick me up and put me on the sleeping bag. I opened one eye to see it was Daryl. He then rolled over and went to sleep. He started snoring but It helped make me fall fast asleep

We were sitting at the dinner table. Mama and Daddy were making jokes. I looked down at my food. Beans. I heard snarls. I looked up Monsters were eating Mama and Daddy. I screamed, Monsters didn't notice they just kept eating and blood was everywhere. "Mason!" I heard someone yell. The Monsters looked at me and started walking towards me. "MASON!"

My body was being shaken. My throat was dry. Daryl was shaking me. "Mason wake up!" I opened my eyes and Daryl was in panic. I heard voices outside the tent. "Mason?" I hugged Daryl tight. I didn't care if he hugged me back I was scared. I couldn't stop shaking. He put one arm around me and started rubbing my back, just like Mama did.

"She alright?" I heard Shane say, making me squeeze Daryl tighter. I remember what Shane did to Daryl and I didn't want that to happen again.

"Yeah just a Night Terror." I refuse to let Daryl go. I didn't know why but I felt like he was like me. Quiet and misunderstood. "Mason, you got to let go." I shook my head and started to cry. He started to pull me away. "Mason...come on." I sat back and wiped my face. I grabbed Ika and squeezed her tight. Daryl grabbed his crossbow and left. I was alone again. I was scared and I didn't know what to do.

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