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Yes I know Jacobs 13 but this is a fan fiction and he's 16 in high school.

Hi my names jade, I'm 15, and I'm a huge 5sos fan. I have long brown hair, green eyes, and tan skin.

I'm not that popular in school I barely have any friends but I'm happy that at least have some.

I have a brother named Jeremy, he has the same color brown hair as me, hazel eyes , and tan skin. He's like my other half and even though he can be a asshole most of the times I know deep down he loves me and I love him.

At my school there's this one guy named Jacob Sartorius he's well known around are school. Everybody loves him he's like the dream guy you could say. But the only reason they "love" him is because he's famous.

Me and Jacob used to be best
friends when we were younger, but hell he probably doesn't even know me anymore.


"Hey jay! What's up?" I ask him sitting beside him I was 12 at the time.

"Hey jade.." He says fiddling with his fingers

"What's wrong?" I ask him

"Look we can't be friends anymore" he mumbled very quietly but I heard it

"What why?!" I ask tears running down my face he's my only best friend and i knew I had feelings for him I  just couldn't tell him because if I told him the exact same thing would happen just like this.

"Look, jade its for a good reason." He says biting his lip

"What freaking reason Jacob?!" I say yelling, more tears falling.

"I'm too famous now and it just doesn't work anymore I'm sorry." He said a single tear slipping from his eye.

But it was to late I ran and ran till i couldn't run anymore I was in so much pain I couldn't take it.

**flash back over***

That's how I knew him, sometimes I wished I still had my best friend Jacob back.

He even tries talking to me sometimes but I just always run away from him because it hurts me so much knowing that he doesn't know the pain he caused me..

Hope you enjoy;)

"Forever" (a Jacob Sartorius fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now