Chapter 5

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**Jacobs POV**

I had just arrived home and sat my bag down looking for something to eat because I was hungry.

"Hey Jacob could you take the trash out?" My mom asked

"Yeah sure." I said taking the trash out of the white trash bin and walked out side. I was walking out of my house with the trash bag in my hand before I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Jade walking I looked at her more closely to notice she had a huge cut across her forehead which was bleeding everywhere, she was limping, and she looked all bruised up.

I dropped the trash and started walking fast towards wear she was I looked to my right and saw a car coming and waited until it passed. While I was waiting I heard a loud noise like someone just fell I panicked and saw Jade passed out on the ground her body so limp, and her head having a pool of blood all around it.

"JADE!" I screamed tears burning in my eyes.

I ran over to her and I didn't touch her I was scared if I touched her it would make it worse.

I ran inside and got my mom she called the ambulance and my dad went and got her parents and her brother.

I saw her mom run out of the door tears in her eyes.

"JADE! MY BABY." She sobbed kneeling on the ground near her.

A couple seconds later her brother came running out of the house he just stood there. His eyes wide his hand made its way over his mouth while a tear slipped down his cheek. He looked like it was all his fault.

"Oh m-my g-god Jade!" He said chocking up tears.

"I-I'm so sorry!" He cried

I felt more tears make there way down my cheeks and I heard sirens in the distance.


"Do any of you guys know what happend?" The officer asked while the paramedics brought out something to put her on.

"N-no sir all I k-know is that w-when I was walking out of my house I saw her all beaten up and then she just passed out.." I said chocking back tears.

"All I can do is advise you all to stay calm, she will be in the hospital for a while do to her head injury and she might have a concussion." He says with a sympathetic look and walked away while they paramedics put her on this bed thing and strap her down and put her in the back with all these tube things.

"One of you may come in the truck to the hospital with her." A lady says.

"I think you should go Isabelle." My mom says to Jades mom.

Her mom just walks away onto the truck wiping away tears holding jades limp lifeless hand.

The truck drove away and my mom and dad walked inside.

"I swear to fucking God whoever did this I'm gonna beat the li-" her brother starts before I cut him off.

"I know how you feel bro." I say and pat his shoulder

"Who are you?" He ask with a sour face.

"My names Jacob and I'm really close with Jade" I say

"Oh." He says

"Yeah, I really like her too." I say slowly and he glances at me with his piercing hazel eyes that remind me so much of Jade, they look exactly the same.

"You. Like. my. Sister?" He said stopping at each word.

"Y-yeah" I stutter.

"Okay I like you so you better take care if my sister." He says smiling then I notice he has a lip ring.

"You have a lip ring?" I ask laughing slightly.

"Yeah problem?" He ask bringing his finger touching it.

"No I think it's cool" I say and smile.

He smiles then we both stop smiling and I know exactly why we were worried about Jade.

"Guys come inside its about to rain." My dad says

We walk inside and we sit down with only one thing on our minds


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