Snowbaz -oneshot

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Baz P.O.V.

"Aaaaah!" I wake up.
Simon lies next to me in bed. It seems like he has a nightmare. Again. "Simon." I lean over to him, trying to wake him up. "Simon. Wake up. It's just a dream Simon."

Finally he opens his eyes. "Baz it was..."
"I know! It's okay! It was just a nightmare. Just a dream. Nothing to worry about."
I wrap my arms around him and hold him tight. He relaxes a bit and puts his head on my chest. His hair slowly patting I whisper: "I'm here for you. Everything's okay. I'll protect you."

"Do you know how much you mean to me."
"I think I can guess."
He smiles into my chest and closes his eyes. I look at him. His bronze curly hair covering a part of his face. He is truly beautiful.

I wake up in the morning with a wonderful smell. Simon is no longer in bed but I can hear him working in the kitchen. He's so cute making breakfast for both of us. Then it hit me.

Simon's not very talented in cooking. I should probably get up and help him. Not that he sets the whole house on fire.

I go to our, yes I said our - we finally moved in a flat together-, kitchen and see him standing in front of the oven. I hug him from behind. Simon turnes around to hug me back. He has a huge smile on his face. I love it when I am the person who makes him smile one of his overwhelming smiles.

"What are you doing?" I asked him in a sleepy voice. I usually don't like waking up this early but if you live together with Simon you soon realize that you don't really have a choice. He loves standing up early.

"Just some pancakes for my wonderful boyfriend." He gives me a kiss. I blush. I will never get over the fact that Simon Snow, the chosen one, the one who wanted to kill me as much as I wanted to kill him, is my boyfriend.

"You want me to help?", I ask him. He cringes.
"Well I guess you can tell me how to turn on the oven?" He askes sheepishly.
I laugh. He's so adorable. "Just let me do it." I give him a quick kiss on the tip of his nose and push him softly away.

After breakfast we both get in the car. We want to visit Watford. We do this once a year. Just to remind us of what happend and to let our thoughts go back to the past we had.
"Ready?" I ask Simon and look to my left. He takes a deep breath and nods. I know it's hard for him. What happend changed his whole life. That's why he also had the nightmares this night.

I start the car. This two hours drive is always very boring. I often look over to Simon to see whether he is okay, but he just looks out of the window.

Then we see it. Watford. Stunning as always. I kind of miss it to go here to school. But I'm also glad that I don't have to worry about lessons and having good marks anymore. I stop the car in front of the gate and look at Simon.

But he ignores me and opens the door. I also get out of the car. I lock it and follow my boyfriend.
He already walks along the river. Watford is surrounded by a huge water jump. We are not able to go inside Watford because we don't go here to school anymore.

When I reach Simon I take his hand. "Snow. Don't be a fool. We came here together and we will be here together."
He looks at me with a sad face.
"Ugh! Stop doing that you make me sick." He looks to the ground.
"This is supposed to be a happy trip. To remember all the wonderful times we tried to kill each other! If you don't stop, I'm going to throw you into the water!"
And with that I pick him up. He lets out a surprised noise.
"No! Baz! Stop that! Let me down!"
"Ooh! What is that on your face? Is that a smile? On no! How dare you to smile!"
I put him on the ground. Lying there on his back I start tickling him. Finally he laughes.
"Baz!.... I ... can't .... breath!"
Then he pushes me to the side so we both are lying now next to each other trying to tickle the other one. Simon in the end kneels above me. He is so strong I can't stop him to tickle me.

After a while Simon stops and looks at me. I look him in the eyes. He has wounderful blue eyes. I alwas loose myself in them.
Simons hands are now on both sides of my head, holding him up.
His face is very close to mine and he whispers:
"I love you, Baz."
It hits me everytime he says those three magical words.
"I know.", I say. I know how much he hates it when a main character says that in a movie. He cringes and I smile. Even when he makes this cringing face he still looks like an angel.
"I love you, too.", I say.
He smiles and presses his lips against mine.

You might say you get used to kisses after a while. But I don't feel like I'll ever get. Every time I kiss him it is like a dozen more butterflies are flying in my stomach than before.

This moment is one of the moments I'll never foget. It is just perfectly unperfect.

Hand in hand we walk around Watford. Telling each other stories we have experienced. Laughing at them and realizing how stupid we have been.

We play a bit football at the football patch. Simon wins.
"Next time I'll win! I promise you that!"
He laughes. "Sure! And Father Christmas comes in summer!"

The sun is about to set and we make our way to the car. But we don't drive home. I have a present for Simon. As soon as he realizes that we are driving the wrong way he starts asking me: "Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise!"
"But can't you tell me?"
"Please! You know how curious I am!"
"The answer is still no."
He rolls his eyes and looks out of the window. As soon as we arrive at the place Simon gasped.
We are standing on a small hill with a perfect view at Watford and the sun setting behind it.
I get out of the car and open the door for my boyfriend.
"Here we are."
"Wow." He repeats. I smile.
"I'm glad that you like it."

Now... here comes the difficult part.
He looks at me. I take is hands and begin:

"We know each other now for so many years. It feels like we've went through everything together. Even if we wanted to kill each other. And even if my family is the worst of all and even if I can sometimes be a very very bad boyfriend, you've always loved me. You still love me. You accept me as who I am. A vampire, a magician, someone you just want to slap in the face.
That is one of the many reasons I love you. Simon. I love you because you are who you are. I love you because you can always eat, not matter what. I love you because you are the only person who can make me truly laugh and I love you because of your wounderful bronze curls and blue eyes. I love you because you are alive and you make me alive. I can't imagine living in a world without you, Simon. And that's why I wanted to ask you the probably most important question in my life. Simon. Will you marry me?"

And with that I bend down to my knees and open a small box with a silver ring inside.
He gasps.
"That were the most wonderful words anyone has ever said to me! Of coure I will marry you!"
I have tears in my eyes and I can see tears in his. He takes the ring out, puts in on his finger and then pulls me back onto my feet.
"Of course I will marry you."

And then he kisses me. This time it feels like there are as twice as much butterflies in my stomach. I kiss him passionately and forget everything around me. Everything. The stunning sunset, Watford. Everything besides the thought that I have the most amazing boyfriend in the whole world.
Simon Snow, the worst chosen one who's ever been chosen.

Snowbaz -oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now