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Naomi: Mom I know when my girlfriend is acting strange

Naomi mom: Sweetie you are eleven you know nothing yet my friend

Naomi: Ugh........anyways I should get going I should be meeting her at the park for our picnic

Naomi mom: Okay sweetie have fun on your on date enjoy and be safe

Yeah I'm eleven years old and a lesbian and my mom is cool with it. Mine and my girlfriend mom are best friends. My girlfriend is one year older than me but we share a birthday and we have been dating since I was seven and she proposed to me under a tree with a ring pop. That tree is also where we shared our first kiss. We agreed to be together forever. We are going to get married and have a bunch of children and live happily ever after. About ten minutes later I arrived at the park. My girlfriend Sam pulled me into a kiss and I have never been more happy. We sat down and ate our food then relaxed. One thing about me is I love to eat. You wanna make me happy, buy me or make me food. After I was done eating we just sat at the top of the hill and watch the sunset.

Sam: Dimples I gotta tell you something

Naomi: What is it Smiley

Sam: Me and my family are moving my dad got a job offer and I didn't know how to tell you but our flight leaves tonight at midnight

Naomi: So your telling me this is our last moment together? But tomorrow the first day of 8th grade and we were going to prom together and were going to win cute couple in the year book and go to high school together and college get married lose our virginity to each other and adopt children

Sam: I know but sometimes plan change and I wanna say.............

Naomi: No don't say anything else we are over have fun in whatever country your going to and I never wanna see you again

I pushed her down the hill and took off running as fast as I could. I didn't stop running till I made it home. I jumped in my bed and cried my eyes out. Eventually my mom and dad came in my room and took me in their embrace. They told me everything going to be okay and I knew after today my life would change forever.

Author Message

Well there is the prologue everyone. Hope you guys enjoyed it and enjoying the story so far. Thanks for reading everyone and don't forget to vote and comment. Stay tuned everyone.

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