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"I told you we would get here too early," Roy groaned as they walked away from the airport desk.

They had come to catch flight 54, but they had ended up being too early to board the plane immediately.

Jason shook his head, "Last time we had to catch a plane we were late and had to wait five hours to catch another one. I'd rather wait a few minutes then a few hours." He held Tim's hand as they walked over to some chairs.

Roy looked to his left and asked, "Where the hell did Kory go?"

Jason sat down and Tim sat next to him.

He pointed at the gift shop, "There."

There stood Kory looking at a sun dress and soon she disappeared into the store. Roy sighed and flopped down next to Tim. Tim looked at Jason and asked, "Can I go see Kory?"

Jason seemed to ponder on the answer before nodding. Tim jumped from his seat happily and ran to the gift shop.

Roy sighed and leaned back in the chair, "I swear, you would think he'd be freaked out by us. But, it's like it doesn't even faze him."

Jason ran a hand through his hair, "Except for him asking about his parents. He asked about them before bed last night and then again this morning."

"Well, we knew he would do that," Roy said.

Jason just nodded and watched the boy as he followed Kory around the store.

He had never seen Kory act so...motherly before. It was strange to him. He was used to the flirt who wanted to have sex with guys. But, now suddenly she had become a mother figure to Tim. The kid that had become kind of like a son figure to Jason in the past two weeks.

But, he didn't think he was near old enough to be Tim's father. Neither was Kory old enough to be his mother.

Jason looked over and Roy who had his eyes closed. Roy had become kind of like the uncle figure to Tim. Jason shook his head...this was so confusing.

But, a week ago they used their connections to get a fake birth certificate for Tim. They needed it to get him a passport. The birth certificate said that Tim's last name was Todd. Which was a lie, but they had all decided it was best to give him a relation to one of themselves.

'Tim Todd... What a dumb name.'

After about fifteen minutes Jason saw Tim and Kory walking back. Tim had a tiny bag and Kory had about three large ones. As soon as they made it to the two men, Kory dropped the bags on Roy, who had been dozing off.

"Hey!" He shouted.

Kory smiled, "Carry those for me, please."

Roy glared and Jason just shook his head and looked at Tim. "What's that?" He asked pointing at the plastic bag.

Tim smiled. His adult tooth had started to grow in.

He reached into the bag. "Kory bought me this," he pulled out a small teddy bear that was about the size of Jason's hand.

Jason smiled at the boy. He had never had a soft spot for anyone, but for some reason Tim just...he didn't know.

"I want to name him," Tim mumbled staring at the bear closely.

"Then name him," Jason said.

Tim sat down in his seat between Roy and Jason, Kory had sat on the other side of Roy. He seemed to be studying the bear closely until he nodded in satisfaction.

"Pick a name?" Roy asked.

Tim nodded, "Grayson."

Both Jason and Roy's heads snapped up to look at each other.

The Curious Case of Tim DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now