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Fifteen year old, Tim Drake, sat on the rooftop of warehouse fifteen. At the moment he was wondering why all of the missions he always went on for batman were at warehouses. Maybe he shouldn't be wondering such things, because he supposed to be paying attention to the warehouse. But, it didn't hurt to let his mind wander a little, right?

He glanced through his binoculars again. He was hoping he would find something before he needed to contact Batman. His cut-off time was at 2:00 A.M. then he would need to head back to the cave. Bruce was actually allowing this one mission because the man didn't seem to think it would be very difficult for the teen.

Tim was sent on a mission to track a string of missing cosmetics from pharmacies. He found it to be a stupid case, but it was a case. And one of the few that the over protective "daddy-bats" allowed him to go on when on his own. They were simple robberies. Skin creams that made women and men look younger. Things of the sort. And he had managed to trace the trail here.

He was on warehouse fifteen, but the real prize was in warehouse sixteen. He was waiting to see if there was any sign of movement in the building before checking it out. He didn't need to be attacked once he got in. But, so far in the past three hours, no one had come in out of the building, and there had been no movement in sight.

Silently, Tim stood from his crouched position and put his binoculars away. He took out his grappling gun and shot it to the next building, and quickly swung over to one of the higher windows. Looking in the window his eyes scanned the room. He tilted his head in confusion when all he saw were a lot of plant.

Tim pressed his hand on the window, opening it enough to get inside. He landed on the floor with a soft thud and looked around. It was humid and felt like a tropical rainforest. Vines and giants plants covered the room. His eyes moved slowly taking everything in until they settled on one of the plants.

He could have sworn it moved...

Slowly he walked up to the vine that had caught his eye. He leaned forward and stuck out his hand. He shouldn't touch it...

Right before he did, however, it moved once more. He jerked away, only for it to come closer and begin to wrap around his ankles and snake up his body. He grunted and tried to tear it away, but it only became tighter. The something came to mind...


The vine slithered all the way up his neck and suddenly he found himself lifted off of the floor. He struggled, only to find it was futile to fight against the vines. His eyes started to search to room for any other sign of trouble.

And trouble, he did find...

Out of the shadows came the person he feared to see. Poison Ivy. She smirked and said, "what brings you here, child? Daddy-bats finally letting you off the leash?"

Her voice was soft and seductive as he walked up to the teen. She slid her fingers across Tim's face and mumbled, "have you been watching me?"

Tim simply asked, "what were you doing with the cosmetics, Ivy?"

She sighed, "I didn't think The Bat would get involved with small robberies. They were simply skin creams."

"What did you need them for?" Tim asked again.

She smiled and touched his chest. He tensed under the touch, uncomfortable. It only made her chuckle, "I've been working on a serum. Are you familiar with the term of deaging?"

Tim nodded slightly and she continued, "I've been working on a little something to help people get back to their younger years. And, I think you're just the rat to test it on."

The Curious Case of Tim DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now