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Jason's eyes opened and quickly adjusted to the sunlight that was coming in through the window. He felt something warm pressed close to his body and he looked down.

There slept Tim Drake, his body seeming to press itself as close to the man as it possibly could.

Tim's breathing was even as Jason checked the boy's vitals. He seemed fine.

Jason had been worried that what ever was given to him could possibly cause inner damage. But, the boy seemed fine.

Jason sighed and started to sit up. He froze when there was a small sound that escaped Tim. He looked back down and the boy seemed to be waking up. Jason continued to sit up and watched as Tim's dark blue eyes fluttered open.

Tim rubbed his eye with his fist and gave a small yawn. He blinked at Jason with a confused expression. Then he remembered the man from last night. How he had gotten lost. The place he had woken up in.

Tim asked in a small voice, "Where's my mommy and daddy?"

Jason sighed. He had been afraid that Tim would ask about them. They were dead, of course. But, should he tell the kid that?

Running a hand through his hair Jason replied, "I...that doesn't matter right now, I'll explain it later, Tim."

The child bit his lip, but nodded anyway. Tim sat up next to Jason and rubbed his eyes again. He looked at his clothes. They weren't his clothes. He'd never seen these before at all. Whose were they?

Tim looked up quickly when the man cleared his throat. "Are you hungry?" Jason asked.

"Yes sir," Tim answered in a whisper.

"You don't have to call me that...just call me Jason," the man said.

Tim nodded and was about to say yes sir, but caught himself. Jason climbed out of bed and Tim followed on his little legs. They walked out of the room and into the kitchen/living area. Tim stayed in the doorway seeing that there were more people in the kitchen.

Kory sat at the small table and Roy stood leaning against the counter. They had been talking, but stopped when the two came in. Roy smiled at Tim and greeted, "hey kid."

Tim gave a shy smile back and mumbled, "Hi." Roy noticed how the kid was missing one of his front teeth, like most kids his age would.

Jason walked to one of the cabinets and pulled out a box of Cheerios. He poured it into a bowl, along with some milk and stuck a spoon in it. Silently he walked back over to Tim and handed it to him. Tim had to steady it to keep himself from spilling the overflowing milk.

Roy spoke, "I think Mickey Mouse is on the T.V. kid."

Tim nodded and slowly walked into the living area and pressed the button on the T.V. It immediately changed the channel showing Mickey Mouse. Tim smiled a little and sat on the floor in front of the T.V. and began to eat his cereal.

Jason raised an eyebrow and Roy, "How the hell did you know Mickey Mouse was on?"

Roy shrugged, "I like to stay in touch with my childhood. Anyway, what are you going to do about his...uh, you know, problem?"

"Where's the med kit?" Jason answered Roy's question with a question.

Roy pointed to one of the cabinets and Jason walked over opening it and pulling out a red bag. After digging through it a few seconds, he pulled out a small syringe.

"What do you need that for?" Roy asked.

"I need a sample of Tim's blood, come help me," Jason ordered. He didn't know if the kid would fight him about it or not, but if needed, he could use Roy.

The Curious Case of Tim DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now