CHAPTER SIX: The Hatching

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All the Zerg began to gather around the crysalis as it started to crack. Claw tenced as he waited to see what it was they had been guarding and why it was so special. The crysalis suddenly burst open and from it came a creature that looked a Terran but had the spines and claws of a Zerg. As Claw look at the creature (which he guessed to be female) lying on the ground gulpping in air he heard voice talking to the creature. A voice the was like a thunder clap to Claw and the other Zerglings.
"Arise my daughter, arise... Kerrigan."
The creature rose from the ground and responded.
"By your will father, I live to serve, let all who oppose the Overmind feel the wrath of the Swarm!"
The voice then spoke again but this time to the presence that was always in Claw's head.
"Well done Cerebrate, what I have wrought this day shall be the undoing of my enemies! Let not a Terran survive!"
And with that the mighty presence and voice faded. Claw looked at the creature called Kerrigan and then he and the other Zerglings crouched down in their form of a bow.

Author's Note:
Hoped the you enjoyed. Starcaft players will notice I was useing the dialogue between Kerrigan and the Overmind for the game. Will try and get the next chapter out ASAP!

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