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Ava's P.O.V.

I tapped my freshly painted finger nails, on the granite counter, anxiously.

I listened to the boring sound of my friend, Perrie's, voice go on and on about her boyfriend Zayn.

Don't get me wrong, I was overjoyed about her success, her love life, but this wasn't how tonight was supposed to go.

I looked out onto the dance floor, and it looked as if the beautifully dressed people were dancing in slow motion.

I looked back at Perrie, and she was smiling, looking at Zayn, who was leaning on the bar, smiling back at her.

"Don't worry about me, go get your prince charming." I said, giving her a cheeky smile.

She smiled graciously, before sliding out her chair, and walking over to her boyfriend.

She looked beautiful in her dark blue ball gown, making her braided pink hair stand out. You could see the diamond necklace, Zayn got her a while back, glimmer from across the room.

I smiled at their intertwined hands, before getting up from my seat.

I decided that watching other people, dancing with their perfect boyfriends, wouldn't help me.

I made my way across the sparkling, multi-colored dance floor, filled with hundreds of people.

I straightened my silver and purple, masquerade mask, that covered around my ice blue eyes. My matching dress, was tightly covering the top of my body, before splurging out at the waist.

I carried my silver heels in two of my fingers, with purple polish covering the tips of my nails. My brown hair was straightened to perfection, falling down my mid back.

I saw the small, red exit sign, above the small tan door in the corner, making my bare feet hit the cool tile floor, faster. I looked around, making sure my hide away, would stay hidden, before I pushed the steel bar on the door, creaking it open.

I waddled my way up the concrete stairs, feeling the cool winter air, hit my face. My hair, flew behind me, as it caught the slight wind.

As I reached the top of the staircase, my eyes caught the view of all of the bright, twinkling lights, covering all of the London skyscrapers. I gasped at the beauty, of London at night.

I set my shoes down, before walking towards the ledge of the rooftop. I placed my hand, weakly on the ledge, and looked out at the street below me, watching other people live their daily lives.

I closed my eyes, and took a deep breathe, before opening them again, slightly refreshed.

I gazed up at the shinning stars, making out all of the shapes the stars had made.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I heard a deep, raspy voice ask from behind me.

I gasped and turned around swiftly on the ball of my foot.

There stood, no further than a couple feet away from me, was the most handsome man I have ever seen.

He was dressed in a black tux, sparkling dress shoes, and you could tell that he was fit, by just the muscles in his arms. My eyes trailed up to his eyes, which were chocolate brown, but were slightly covered by his black and grey mask. He also had sandy brown hair, spiked up in a neat quiff.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to sca-" He began talking, his kind eyes filled with guilt.

I gave him a genuine smile, and cut him off. "Don't apologize, I would love the company."

If We Were A Movie(Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now