~Chapter twenty-three~

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Being back to reality was something I was not ready for. My arms folded over my chest as the weather out today was cold. My oversized sweater looked as if it was eating me up. I could feel my eyes stinging at the lack of sleep I have received and my body becoming thinner from barley being able to eat. A dull headache and feeling extremely fatigue kept me in bed all day.

Once Liam and I had returned back to our normal lives, the director of the movie was furious at us for unexpectedly leaving and causing bad press for us. We decide to take a little break for it all to cool down a bit. Everyone continued thinking that I was dating Harry. The fans and pauperize were a mess. I could not leave the house at all. I was on strict house arrest until things dialed down.

I laid in bed with the pt. on low, messy hair and un-brushed teeth. But I couldn't find a way to care. There was still issues that remained in Liam and I's relationship. We still haven't been able to talk about anything. He has been so busy lately and usually comes home late. 

Nobody has heard from Doris. She seemed to fall off the face of the earth almost. But hey, I'm not complaining.

Within an hour of watching random shows, I had seemed to fall asleep because when I woke up, it was nothing but pitch dark in the bedroom and Liam was sitting next to me scrolling through emails along his phone. My eyes wondering up his body to notice he wasn't wearing a shirt. 

His sexy toned chest made my heart race. His hair was bed head but had a way of still looking hot to me. I couldn't get enough of him. That night he suprsied me in the hotel, was so magical, like in fairy tales. We had finally been able to connect after weeks of Doris cutting into our relationship. 

"Oh how long have you been awake?'' His voice bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"Not long.'' I smiled softly, sitting up in bed. My stomach felt queasy. The concussion's side effects were taking tols on my body that I absolutely despised. 

"I feel really bad about everything, Ave.'' Liam admitted as he placed his phone down so his hand could grasp mine across the blankets. I sat up to face him. "I mean, reading through some of the articals and thinking back, and yeah she was a bit nuts and I didn't mean to make you feel unloved.'' 

As soon as the words left his lips, my stomach fell. Liam loved me? My eyes widened and as did his once he realized what he had just said to me. 

"You love me?'' My voice was in awe as I squeezed his hands into mine. The adoration for him was so much right now. 

"That's not exactly how I wanted to tell you..'' 

"Liam! I love you too.'' I told him with a small giggle. 

"Really?'' He asked in disbelief. 

I nodded my head enthusiastically. 

"Ava, I love you so much.'' 

I leaped up to press my lips to his. His hands catching my waist as my body fell on top of his while we kissed. Love and lust filling our mouths. His hand was resting along my cheek making my veins burn and tingle at his touch. His lips seemed to mold against mine so effortlessly. I couldn't stop. 

"I love you.'' I mumbled against him. My hands were quick with desperation to lift up his shirt and began to unbuckle his belt. 

Articals of clothing were starting to fall onto the floor and become less and less. Our bodies had a way of moving perfectly together. Both of us feeling the love radiating off of each other and into our physical actions. 

He was always so gentle, so tender with my body but he was always filled with need. Need for me. Never did he not tell me I wasn't beautiful. He made a way to tell me that every time our bodies moved. His lips speaking suddle, soft words in my ear as my eyes were squeezed shut to enjoy the pleasure. 

When we both were finished, we had gotten into the shower. Liam squirting me with the water and hiding my shampoo from me. It felt like a long time that we had been this intimate and this normal with each other. 

For once things felt good. Things seemed to be turning out okay.

2 weeks later 

I paced back in forth in my dressing room feeling butterflies erupt in my stomach. I litterally think I will become sick from them. My hands shaking along ym sides as I felt slightly lightheaded. Something was wrong. 

Something wasn't right. 

I was quick to dial Harry's number. He was the only one who really knew about Liam and I's problems and relationship. He had a way of understanding me and helping me especially over this past month. I had an hour before I got my makeup and hair done for the movie. I needed to talk to him. 

"Hi Ava, what's up?'' 

"Harry?'' My voice sqeking as my head was spinning. It felt like I couldn't breath suddenly. As if pressure was forcing it's way down. 

"Ava? What's wrong? Where are you?'' He asked urgently knowing the sound of my voice that something was wrong. 

"No.'' I pleaded quickly. "You can't come here. I'm at the movie set.'' 

"You're scaring me. What's happened?'' He asked urgently. 

I sighed feeling tears blur my vision. I can't do this. I can't. "Harry... I-I.'' 

"Whatever it is, you can tell me.'' 

"It's insane, Harry.'' 

"What is? Please tell me.'' 

"I don't understand how this happened.''

"How what happened!? I swear to god if you won't tell me I'm going to come down the-''

"I'm pregnant, Harry!'' 

Silence was along the phone. I can't imagine how his face must look right now. 

"W-what? How do you know?'' He asked his words stuttering. 

"I'm late.'' I bit my bottom lip hoping nobody could hear me. 

"By how long?'' 

"Three weeks..'' I said heasitantly my voice not hiding it's fear in it. 

"Is that bad? I'm not a girl so I don't know.''

"That's so bad!'' I yelled. "How did this happen-''

"Well if two people love each other then they-''

"Stop! I know that!'' I rolled my eyes through the phone. "I mean, I thought we were careful! I can't have a child! I'm in a movie! You guys are going back on tour. What the fuck do I do, Harry?'' 

"You need to calm down, okay. First, you should take a test. You could always call Gemma? She would go with you.'' 

I sighed heavily. "I feel like I need to tell Liam first.'' 

He was quiet along the line, he didn't know what else to reply back to me, so I spoke again. 

"Do you think he'll be mad?'' 

He responded immediately. "No, he wouldn't. He would help you and raise it. But there's only one way to find out..'' 

I have to talk to Liam, now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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