Chapter 5.

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"H-How in the hell.. How can this be..?" Mary said setting her hands on Kota's shoulder's, slightly shaking them. He smiled lightly and embraced her tightly, humming a song from their childhood.

"Salve Maria Salve Maria, piena di grazi Il Signore teco Salve Maria, piena di grazi Tu sei Tu sei, fra la danna Fra la danna e benedetta E benedetto il frutto del venture tuo, Gesu Sante Maria, Madre di Dio Prega per noi Per noi peccatori Adesso e nell'ora della nostra morte..."

Kota slowly swayed with Mary sobbing quietly within his arms. This went on for about 2 minutes, filled with silence and the humming of a song.

When Kota had finished humming and Mary had finished her shedding of tears, they parted and went back to their partners. "What was he humming to you, Mary..?" Garrett asked lightly taking hold of her hand, his eyes looking down upon her with question. "Peace Be With You.. or Salve Maria.." She said with a smile upon her face, her chest glowing a bright red. "Or mother used to sing it to us when we were upset or scared." Kota said looking over to Garrett.

A large black fog soon rolled in, it smelled of death and freshly spilled blood. "Wait guys.. I can hear something." Kat said slowly stopping herself. Garrett pulled out his crossbow and pointed out in front of them. It then became dead silent.

"WhO dWeLlS wItHiN mY hOmEeE..." An eerie voice cracked through the fog. A glow of a red and blue dot soon appeared, with a faded deep red area near the bottom of the creature. Kat moved to the front of the group and stood up straight with courage saying, "We are a group of young travelers, we wish to pass through and get to our next destination. Will you please let us throu-" Before she could finish her sentence a large bear walked up to her, putting its paw out. "AgReEd. BuT bEfOrE yOu Go, TeLl Me ThIs: WhO wiLl DiE dUrInG tHiS jOuRnEy FiRsT."

The four looked at each other, and they all nodded. "I will." Kota said bowing on one knee in respect to the large bear. The giant animal nodded and mumbled a spell of some sort. The fog lifted and they all saw the color on the end of the home of the bear. They ran to the other side but on their way when they were halfway to the color of the next land, the bear grabbed and picked up Mary with one of its masculine paws. "Y-Yes..?" She said slightly being squished. The animal stood on its hind legs and took its other paw and tapped on her chest, where her heart was located.

"YoU wilL FiNd YoUr tRuE lOvE oN tHiS jOuRnEy. YoU WiLl FeEl BeTrAyEd At A cErTaIn PoiNt In TiMe, JuSt kNoW tHaT tHiS pErSoN WiLl lOvE YoU TrUlY aNd dEePlY." The bear set her down and she nodded and caught up to her friends who were already in the color.

"You okay? Did it hurt you or anything?" Kat said worriedly looking over at Mary, "Im fine, I just had a meaningful talk with the animal.." She said with a smile looking over slightly at Garrett resting under a nearby tree.

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